Message 38627

From :"Ian Urie" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: BT to offer unmetered net access!
Date: 30 Nov 99 21:32:46 -0500
On 23-Nov-99 05:38:42, Thomas Hurst said about [afb] Re: BT to offer unmetered net access!:
> Hi

> On 16-Nov-99 13:47:57, Ian Urie ( wrote:

>> On 15-Nov-99 05:05:21, Thomas Hurst said about [afb] Re: BT to offer
>> unmetered net access!:

A week later.....hope you were busy on Amisite :)

>>> I get 80 hours a month for 29.95, which is pretty good for my usage.

>> Doesn't sound all that great....96 hours using C&W on Saturdays works
>> out at 24x4 = 96 for 2 phone charge + your ISP.

> Errr, duh, so you get, what, 18 hours (assuming you're awake and using it)
> use on a single day?

I know you're a student Tom but a day up here in the hinterland is 24 hours :)

> Sorry, but that just doesn't compare in any way to
> freetime80, which gives 80 hours free at ANY time off peak; 3:30 hours a
> day, because I use BTi's 0800 on the weekends (4*48 (yes, all the time; I
> use it for big downloads... I need all that time because they're slow as
> fsck :/).

Hmm,slipped your mind to mention this the first time round?

> It also doesn't compare with ClaraNet's free weekend, which, for the price
> of a standard dialup, gives you the entire weekend free.

Or with Screaming Net which gives free calls all the time on offpeak...

>> I'm sure everyone will have their own versions of saving on call
>> costs... I have a mate on Claranet and he has sod all but bother.

> Such as?

Engaged tones ...line drops....slow downloads...that enough?

>>> I have it on good authority that other interesting things are happening
>>> in this area... erm... although this is hardly surpising :)

>> This wouldn't be the BT announcement due for December ,would it?

> I couldn't possibly comment... but I doubt I'll be changing the amount I pay
> every month when it comes :)

>>> I use BT for weekend dialup, even though they are excruciatingly
>>> slow... the only time I've had decent download rates from them was when
>>> someone smurfed me for 20 minutes :/

Hmmm, what did Ben say...... :)

You win,although 80 hours isn't what you have written above. (4*48)+80.
Now go and get a new version of Miamicontrol written!
Ian Urie  <>
Computers are like Old Testament gods; lots of rules and no mercy.

Message 38628

From :Samuel Byford <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Active
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 22:18:55 +0000
Hello Daniel

On 30-Nov-99, you wrote:


> Thankfully, in among the whining, somebody did give me
> a good answer, which was jolly nice.
> =

Really?  Good advive from AFBers? Never!  It cannt be done - who was it, =
I want to keelhaul him and use the cat'n'nine tails on the blighter.



-- =

Bifford the Youngest
(Sam Byford)
Visit my site:
 ICQ: 52983236
 IRC:  IRCNet #AmIRC or #Pub

Message 38629

From :Andy Mills <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Zips
Date: 30 Nov 99 16:08:50 +0000
Hello Alan L.M. Buxey, on 30-Nov-99 14:47:33 you said about:
  [afb] Re: Amiga Zips 

>On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:

>> > if the PC is running Linux it can read an OFS or FFS ZIP drive
>> Too slow, Alan ;)

>I have work to do...i cant spend all day emailing 8-P

What's mean? You don't already? 8-

 Andy Mills -
 South West Amiga Group -
 afb-ot's official webshite -
Do I BELIEVE in the Bible?! HELL man, I've SEEN one!!!

Message 38630

From :Andy Mills <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Waiting for.....
Date: 30 Nov 99 20:44:16 +0000
Hello Tudor Davies, on 30-Nov-99 16:03:56 you said about:
  [afb] Re: Waiting for..... 

>On Tue, Nov 30, 1999 at 01:28:01PM +0000, Andy Mills wrote:
>> >2 months?? had to wait 6 months for my BVision....people have waited for
>> >more than a year for theirs!
>> I must've been lucky - my PPC turned up in half the expected time, and
>> my BVision turned up within 2 weeks of ordering it....

>Well - there are names for people like you :)

What? Like your title of "Jammy Git"? ;)

>Talking of waiting - I ordered ArtEffect 3 with all the gubbins from
>Blittersoft at the beginning of October/late September and I still haven't
>seen hide nor hair of it - despite chasing at least 2 times a week :) I
>understand that H&P are the problem - but at least they haven't cashed the
>cheque yet....

Ah, well, when I got AE3 from them, it was here the next day (well,
actually, it may have been the day after, but still respectable...)

>Next on my list is a Power Tower 4000 from Power themselves - they have
>always delivered within 2 days as have Eyetech - good fellas and

I've bought stuff from Power as well, without any problems. Actually, I
am waiting for two non-Amiga items from two different places that should
have been here last week.... :-/ <getting worried>

 Andy Mills -
 South West Amiga Group -
 afb-ot's official webshite -
You can get ANYWHERE in ten minutes if you go fast enough.

Message 38631

From :Andrew Crowe <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Gameboys (console wars more like :)
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 19:03:08 +0000
Hi Everybody,

> Gasp, before even Sony had thought of the Playstation? (again,

   You're missing the point:

Admit it, DS control pads are better then N64 ones :)

>> the fact that its an addon for the controller, the fact that =

>> it requires batteries...if it REALLY WAS in the original console
>> spec, then they'd have made sure there was a voltage line of#
>> enough power going to the pads....wouldnt they? ;-)
> =

> What for? There is enough power to keep the controller going,
> and the memory pack working until you take it out. Why would
> you need to throw a 6v line down a frigging joypad for an

   The rumble packs in DS pads are NOT OPTIONAL. They are integrated into=
 the pads.

   The N64 rumble packs however, they just hang off the bottom and eat ba=
tteries, and when was the last time you saw an N64 pad with a rumble pack=
 as standard?

   Also, if nintendo had planned rumble packs for /soooo long,/ then tell=
 me, WHY are some games INCOMPATIBLE with them??  I know some games that =
will not start if you have a rumble pack installed! Why would Nintendo ac=
tually make games that they knew were incompatible to one of their main d=
esign features?

> Besides, I could say the same about the PSX. How come I have
> to go out and buy a dual shock controller anyway?

   Why do you have to go out and buy a rumble pack for your N64? And why =
do you have to constantly feed it betteries, or wait to recharge'em?

> How come it
> wasn't bundled with the original machine? How come it wasn't
> bundled with any of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th generation
> machines either?

   Because they didn't feel like it?   :)

> How come no developers actually made use of it until about
> a month or so before they announced the dual shock pack (I
> used to work in a computer games store, I did notice the
> press releases appear)

   So, they all do now don't they?

>> ...or getting a Dolphin and having to start from scratch...with
>> Sequels of games already on the N64? ;-)
> =

> The Dolphin will have the advantage of REQUIRING it's purchase to
> play those games.

   So? The PSX2 will be required to play PSX2 games. You've just countere=
d your own point, which I've accidently cut out from the top, opps ;)

> Funnily enough, Nintendo actually produce games
> worth buying - Mario64 is STILL touted as one of the best games
> ever, and it was the first of it's genre.

   Rubbish, Mario64 is WAY too easy.  And Jumping Flash is much more fun =
to play, it just happens to be easier still.

> Zelda64 =

   FF7/8 kicks its ass!

>Pokemon CONSTANTLY win awards.

   Of cource, it won the 'Stupidist publisity/merchindising stunt ever!' =

   Anyway, name one award they one. =

> And all this ISN'T
> going to Sony.. I wonder why not?

   Because they don't give themselves made up awards?

> BEcause they just rehash old
> crap?

   Im sorry, but even you've admited it that most of it is better then wh=
ats on the N64.

> Because they want to shock Lad Culture into buying a
> Playstation with freak-alien-girls rather than make a gutsy
> decision, is why.

   True, most sony ads are crap, but so are most nintendo ads. Actually, =
I've hardly seen any N64 adds, I wonder why...?

>>> Plus if you buy a PSX2, what will you do with the PSX1?
>> =

>> sell it for 30 ukp. there'll be a lot of buyers for that price
> =

> When the console, two joypads and two new games only costs =A370?
> You must be kidding! Because that's what they'll sell for.

   Keep it.  Because of the PSX2 back-compatibility it'll probably still =
be supported for a few years,

> =A330 for a Playstation and NO games is NO value at all. Or did
> you want to sell all your games with it? Bye bye instant
> library!!!

   I'm sure I could flog my PSX for =A330 w/ no games without even trying=

> Your argument is flawed, Oh Buxey!

   And your's isn't?  :)    =

See ya :)
-- =

       Manta Soft  -  Amiga programing & web page designing
       ICQ: 21829166        =

 Homepage updated 5/8/99 --- James Bond on GFX Card & CPU players!
  - ------------------- Quote of the day: -------------------- -
The most common first name in the world is Mohammed.
--The Miscellanea Digest

Message 38632

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: MANAGE: Last chance for OS3.5
Date: 30 Nov 99 19:16:32 +0000
Alan L=2EM=2E Buxey reckons he knows a bit about [afb] Re: MANAGE: Last cha=
nce for OS3=2E5, but there's more to it than that=2E

> > That's right, I agree (sort of, it's not /that/ slow)=2E The point is I
> > and most others (probably) can't afford it=2E Doesn't mean I've only go=
> > an Amiga to play games on when I'm bored or whatever=2E
> i think the cost should be the only barrier=2E=2E=2Ei'd really hope so=2E=


> if people have the money but then think 'no, that wont do anything
> for me' then somethign is wrong int he way these peripherals are
> being marketted!

Or, as you say, they aren't very serious about continuing with the
Amiga in the long term=2E But your original statement - that everyone
who is serious will have one - wasn't quite right=2E

> > > A1200 with ZIV card and CyberVision3D=2E

> > And how much does that lot cost?
> if you've already got the A1200 and the tower, then the ZIV+gfx
> adapter and the card would set you back around 250 ukp

And if you haven't got a tower, add another ~=A3100 to that=2E It's not
exactly peanuts (trust me, I'm an accountant ;))

> but wait! There is a new solution coming out for Amigans who have an
> 040 or 060 processor=2E=2Ei dont know more of this=2E=2E=2Ebut Ben does!

I heard this mentioned, but I'm not particularly hopeful :(
> alan

Paul C, on pay day=2E=2E=2E
Damn! Why can't it come up with a different tagline every now and

Message 38633

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: New Amigas?
Date: 30 Nov 99 19:24:31 +0000
On Tue Nov 30, Richard Drummond was heard muttering:

> > But I really do wonder if we're likely to see a new Amiga at all.
> Do we actually need a new computer with an Amiga badge on it? What I would
> like to see is a modern computer with an Amiga-like operating system.

It would be much nicer if it was an Amiga, so
a) we could at last prove to all those disbelievers we were right all
b) we don't all appear quite as mad as we probably do for sticking
with a dying machine.

> Richard Drummond
> Editor, Amiga Format

Paul C, hahahaha
... Korean Cookbook: 1001 ways to Wok your Dog.

Message 38634

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: 30 Nov 1999 19:29:30 +0000
Chris Green said, 

> Apologies if this has already been asked and answered a million times (I've
> been off-list for a couple of weeks), but what is Active going to do about
> all the duff NC3 CDs he sent out.

The last I heard was that the CD duplicators were trying to deny
responsibility. It's possible this was a delaying tactic, it happened at
their busiest time and they would probably have to delay something else
to make a new batch. I wouldn't be surprised if they suddenly admit
liability around Christmas.

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Procedure: (n.) a method of performing a program sub-task in an inefficient
           way by extensively using the stack instead of a GOTO.

Message 38635

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modems and Miami
Date: 30 Nov 1999 19:26:39 +0000
Sealey, M. said, 

> THAT SAID, I've still never seen a non-PCI winmodem..

They did exists, I've seen them. However, the only reason for using a
winmodem (or should that be WinMoDem?) is price, and card modems are
cheaper than externals.

It seems that the majority of winmodems are card modems installed by

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
If this leaves a waxy buildup - on anything - I'm coming back.

Message 38636

From :"Kevin Orme" <>
Subject: [afb] Cyberstorm MK III 060 + PicassoIV + A3000 Desktop = problems?
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 18:37:21 -0800
Does anyone have a combination of these two cards in an A3000 desktop? 
I can't get them to work together!  Anyone have these two cards in any
Amiga together?  Any suggested jumper settings?  I have the rev 11
Buster chip.

What happens is that the computer starts, then the power light blinks
and it reboots, then blinks, etc. etc.  Either cards works great
without the other, but I don't want either a 16 color 68060 Amiga
(already got an A2000 like that)or a 25mhz 16 million color Amiga (then
Cinema4D stuff will take far longer than even my A1200!)  Help!

Kevin Orme

Message 38637

From :"GavilanPollero" <>
Subject: [afb] C= and Amiga stuff
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 23:52:22 -0300
Hello people...maybe this is some out of topic.. i apologize but in a few
weeks im travelling to USA (Miami) and i wanted to know if any american (or
anybody) knows any place that sells second hand amiga and commodore related
stuff..i dont want any mail-order or something..just a phisical place wuere
i could walk and see all that stuff
If anybody knows..please do let me know, as its VERY difficult and/or
expensive to find anything here in Argentina...!!!!
Kind Regards

Amiga 1200T - 48 megas - HD Seagate 4,3 - Modem Motorola 56 k
Blizzard 1230 050 - Blizzard SCSI kit - Monitor Commodore 1942
CD-R Pioneer 16x - CD-W Teac 55RS - MIDI - DSS8+ - Zip Plus -

Message 38638

From :chris <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 05:04:15 +0000
Hello Chris

On 30-Nov-99, you wrote:

> Apologies if this has already been asked and answered a million times
> (I've been off-list for a couple of weeks), but what is Active going to do
> about all the duff NC3 CDs he sent out.
> I don't know about you guys, but after shelling out for it, I expect a CD
> WITHOUT any corrupted application files on it!
> Chris Green

The way I see it,  the CD duplicators have broken their contract with
Active, i.e. they didn't deliver fully functional product - they made a
defective CD.   And the one-man-operation that is Active should be
threatening to sue the duplicators for breach of contract.  BTW, if he
won't....I will. ;-0

I didn't order a defective CD, but I got one.  NC3 wasn't advertised as
being a defective CD, but I got  a defective CD.  When I bought NC3, I
didn't just buy the programs, I also bought the media that the programs
came on,  as well.  Now Active are breaking the Sales of Goods Act, under
the terms "Merchantable Quality", or even "Goods must be fit for their
usual use"  .

Under the above act, the goods *are *faulty and Active *are* liable.  I
didn't buy the CD from the duplicators, I bought it from Active.  My
contract was with them, so they should either replace the CD with a working
copy or refund my money.  I ain't pussy-footing around with this, I'll be
visiting Trading Standards too. ;-p


The Crime of the Century, Who shot little Bambi?
-- Who Killed Bambi?, The Sex Pistols

Powered by PowerPC Amiga in Dumfries & Galloway

A1200 Power Tower, 200Mhz PPC/060 50Mhz, BVision, 74Mb Ram, OS3.5, CGX V4.1

Panasonic 36" Wiiiiddeessccrreeennn TV, Pioneer 717 MultiRegion DVD, Denon
AC3 Decoder, JBL Speakers, Kef SubWoofer..... 

Message 38639

From :Kevin Orme <>
Subject: [afb] Re: C= and Amiga stuff
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 21:28:07 -0800
------ =_NextPart_000_01BF3B79.CC20DA90
Content-Type: text/plain;
content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable

I've only been to Miami many years ago, and not for Amiga stuff, but I'd th=
ink you can find something in Florida on the Amiga Web Directory's Company =
page, probably.  =

Kevin Orme

From: =09GavilanPollero
Sent: =09Tuesday, November 30, 1999 6:52 PM
To: =091541
Subject: =09[afb] C=3D and Amiga stuff

Hello people...maybe this is some out of topic.. i apologize but in a few
weeks im travelling to USA (Miami) and i wanted to know if any american (or
anybody) knows any place that sells second hand amiga and commodore related
stuff..i dont want any mail-order or something..just a phisical place wuere
i could walk and see all that stuff
If anybody knows..please do let me know, as its VERY difficult and/or
expensive to find anything here in Argentina...!!!!
Kind Regards

Amiga 1200T - 48 megas - HD Seagate 4,3 - Modem Motorola 56 k
Blizzard 1230 050 - Blizzard SCSI kit - Monitor Commodore 1942
CD-R Pioneer 16x - CD-W Teac 55RS - MIDI - DSS8+ - Zip Plus -

AFB: All polls MUST have dates!

------------------------------------------------------------------------ home: - Simplifying group communications

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Message 38640

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Zips
Date: 01 Dec 99 16:55:43 +0900
_Replying to a message_:

   By:  Chris Green <>
  Via:  afb <>
Dated:  01-Dec-99 02:23:24
About:  [afb] Re: Amiga Zips

Hi Chris,

>>> Oh bugger.  Yet another spanner in the works.  If only I'd been
>>> available to afford an external SCSI burner...  I suppose I could try
>>> ripping the IDE burner out of the Windoze box, but I don't like the idea
>>> of all the IDE mucking around on the A1200 that would entail.

> What mucking around - all you need is a decent buffered IDE interface. I
> recommend the Power Flyer for use with an IDE burner, but that's not to say
> you won't get faultless service from another type of IDE splitter.

Lets just say, I'd rather not have to spend yet more money, and fart
around with ANY IDE add on.  Everything I read about them suggests
they're far from plug it in and use it.  From incompatibilities, things
not booting, nasty behaviour, and waiting ages for registrations before
you get out of demo mode.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38641

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modems and Miami
Date: 01 Dec 99 17:18:33 +0900
_Replying to a message_:

   By:  Sealey, M. <>
  Via:  '' <>
Dated:  01-Dec-99 00:58:06
About:  [afb] Re: Modems and Miami

Hi Sealey,,

>> Not all, you have to watch out for "Winmodems". These have certain
>> hardware bits and pieces replaced with Windoze software, IYSWIM....

> Don't they only come in PCI flavours, though? I don't think I've
> ever seen a non-PCI winmodem... let alone one that comes off the
> serial port..

If the WinMoDems  ;-)  are the same thing I've seen as motherboard
MoDems, then they're just an analogue interface on a card, to the
motherboard.  Or are they something else?

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38642

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modems and Miami
Date: 01 Dec 99 17:16:33 +0900
_Replying to a message_:

   By:  Frost <>
  Via:  afb <>
Dated:  01-Dec-99 03:04:15
About:  [afb] Re: Modems and Miami

Hi Frost,

>>> AFAIK there are no modems which can't be used by Miami as they are all
>>> operated by command string sent by you TCP/IP stack (ie Miami) through
>>> your serial port.
>> So called "WinModems" don't work with anything but Windows. And they
>> don't work very well then.

> The AMR modems are amongst the very worst inventions to plague my life. Abou
> a pound's worth of pcb and a few coils and resistors, and a software driver.
> Yet people expect the same results as with a modem costing 60, rather than
> 10 on the shelf. What a bunch of nitwits! My Pace modem was pricy, but wort
> every penny!

Theoretically, a software based MoDem ;-) ought to be more useful than a
hardware one (where all it is /is/ an analogue interface to the phone
line, and digital signal processing is applied).  This would allow the
use of any protocol, modifications to suit stupid MoDems at the other
end of the line, and very easy inclusion of new protocols.

But theories and facts are two very different things.  It's ironic that
a multi-hundred Mega Hertz Pentium processor has trouble doing this.

Just for your information, over here we have a service which translates
speech and deaf teletype services (so they deaf can ring anybody).  They
use a synthesised MoDem to do this, so the deaf can call it using either
a traditional TTY machine, or a modern MoDem (no MoDem that is sold here
can handle both of the protocols, they're completely incompatible).

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38643

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Quick way to the new amiga?
Date: 01 Dec 99 17:24:24 +0900
_Replying to a message_:

   By:  Oliver Esberger <>
  Via:  afb <>
Dated:  01-Dec-99 05:22:13
About:  [afb] Re: Quick way to the new amiga?

Hi Oliver,

>> Just a thought about new amigas. As one of the G4 cards will basically
>> be a computer by its self running QNX, sorta bolted onto the side of
>> an amiga, why not sell the G4 boards as completely new machines which

> Why does everyone seem to think these G4 boards are a computer of their
> own? They are not. They are not any more (or less) complex than a 060
> card. Granted, they have their own bussystem, but that's it. If it would
> be that easy to construct a stand alone computer, we would already have
> Amiga clones. BTW the Cyberstorm 060 Mk3 has its own local bus, too. 

It's not all /that/ far from reality though.  Hmm, lets see...

Processor and memory on a card, add a busboard, I/O cards, video card,
sound card, storage device...  Now you have a computer.  ;-)

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38644

From :"Rob Marris" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Quick way to the new amiga?
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 00:44:56 -0800
> > Why does everyone seem to think these G4 boards are a computer of
> > own? They are not. They are not any more (or less) complex than a
> > card. Granted, they have their own bussystem, but that's it. If it
> > be that easy to construct a stand alone computer, we would already
> > Amiga clones. BTW the Cyberstorm 060 Mk3 has its own local bus,

It *is* that easy - but to make it Amiga compatable is a different

> It's not all /that/ far from reality though.  Hmm, lets see...
> Processor and memory on a card, add a busboard, I/O cards, video card,
> sound card, storage device...  Now you have a computer.  ;-)

...which is elementary computer science - input device, processor,
output device, and voila - a computer.


Message 38645

From :Tudor Davies <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 10:25:54 +0100
On Tue, Nov 30, 1999 at 06:39:50PM +0000, Neil Bothwick wrote:
>>> > (apart from Matt or Tim who I know are talking!)
>>> Did you omit a word there? :)
>> No - I should have said shouting *not* talking :)
> So the word you omitted was "loudly", although I was thinking of
> something else :)

Aaah - the word being one that rhymes with "what oars go into" :)


Tudor Davies                         Running Amiga, Mac, PC & Unices
                                     Technology in Perfect Harmony                     
Visit         Specialist in Internet Security & ISP      Support (RADIUS, Firewalls & Routing)

Message 38646

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: 1 Dec 1999 9:6:37 +0000
chris said, 

> The way I see it,  the CD duplicators have broken their contract with
> Active, i.e. they didn't deliver fully functional product - they made a
> defective CD.   And the one-man-operation that is Active should be
> threatening to sue the duplicators for breach of contract.

The duplicators were claiming it wasn't their fault. It clearly was
because both Richard and I had copies of the master CD sent to the
duplicators, and they worked fine.

> Under the above act, the goods *are *faulty and Active *are* liable.  I
> didn't buy the CD from the duplicators, I bought it from Active.  My
> contract was with them, so they should either replace the CD with a working
> copy or refund my money.

Except they don't have any working CDs since the duplicators are
refusing to re-press them without further payment. Getting a refund on
the software is also a difficult situation, since you have installed and
used it, generated the keyfiles and registered. You do have a working
copy of the software. That only leaves the cost of the media, around 25p.

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
ABORT: Drivel filter is compromised!

Message 38647

Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 99 10:40:23 +0100 (BST)
> On Tue, Nov 30, 1999 at 06:39:50PM +0000, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> >>> > (apart from Matt or Tim who I know are talking!)
> >>> Did you omit a word there? :)
> >> No - I should have said shouting *not* talking :)
> > So the word you omitted was "loudly", although I was thinking of
> > something else :)
> Aaah - the word being one that rhymes with "what oars go into" :)

Something that rhymes with water?  Ummm ....

Unless you mean the type of creek where you usually end up without oars! ;)


Generated by U-NET WebMail -
   U-NET Internet - Easy Internet Access (01925) 484444

Message 38648

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: AFCD Surveys
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 09:41:43 +0000
Hi Matthew,

> According to who? It was the AF and CU disks which made me splash out on
> Imagine. If it wasn't for them, Id never have known about it. Same goes
> for a demo, if it shut down after half an hour, wouldn't let me save etc
> then I doubt I'd have been bothered to keep trying to use it

According to empirical evidence. It's the law of diminishing returns -
you'll never get as many people upgrading as you do buying something from
new, and if you give away the new thing, fewer and fewer people will
upgrade to the full version...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Excuse for the day: piezo-electric interference

Message 38649

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Mag Prices (was " Vost? Irc? It's all the same to me...")
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 09:47:02 +0000
Hi Matthew,

> Ok, how much would a version with nout on the front go for then? I'd
> seriously concider switching to a plain version if it meant a lower
> price/bigger issue

Nope. Think about it, Future makes a profit from AF. Future drops price (by
not including CD), Future no longer makes such a large profit on AF. AF

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Excuse for the day: high pressure system failure

Message 38650

From :Tudor Davies <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 10:54:59 +0100
On Wed, Dec 01, 1999 at 10:40:23AM +0100, wrote:

> > Aaah - the word being one that rhymes with "what oars go into" :)
> Something that rhymes with water?  Ummm ....

Nope - the little 'U' shaped things they sit in :)

> Unless you mean the type of creek where you usually end up without oars! ;)

Nope - but that word works equally well....


Tudor Davies                         Running Amiga, Mac, PC & Unices
                                     Technology in Perfect Harmony                     
Visit         Specialist in Internet Security & ISP      Support (RADIUS, Firewalls & Routing)

Message 38651

From :"James Jaffrey" <>
Subject: [afb] Amiga stuff for sale...
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 09:58:36 GMT
Hi, I'm currently in possession of the following surplus hardware and stuff.

Amiga Stuff for sale: (1st December 1999)
Amiga A1200, OS3.1 (WB and Kickstart), Apollo 1240-25MHz Accelerator, 16MB 
RAM, Samsung 6.4GB Hard disk drive, 8X CD-ROM with additional speakers, 
4-way Buffered Interface, Philips CM8833 Mk-II Monitor, 200W Typhoon 
Subwoofer with 240W Satellite speakers (120W per channel), Mini-Tower case 
(Like the nice Power Computing ones). Also over 50 boxed games, and hundreds 
of disks. 450 ono.
Blizzard 1230-IV 50MHz Accelerator with 8MB RAM, 50 ono.
Seagate 1.2GB Hard disk drive (Full working order) including A1200 / A600 
installation kit, 50 ono.
Phone James on 01779 475844. Buyer collects or pays postage.

Message 38652

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Active
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 10:09:41 +0000 (GMT)
On Mon, 29 Nov 1999, Matthew O'Neill wrote:

> You 2 make it sound like we should all sit quietly waiting! 2 months for
> something, especially after release is too long. Everyone always nags at
> people whodont recieve email replies, yet dont phone, so this guy does
> phone and gets nagged at.....what kind of buisness does he hope to run if
> he doesn't answer the phone for 2 months and doesn't change the message to
> say he's away for a while?

by it from eyetech? It seems that Active are trying to move their sales
through 3rd party channels


Message 38653

From :"Mad Matt" <>
Subject: [afb] Latest HDtoolbox
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 02:11:30 -0800
Does the latest HDtoolbox (As included with os3.5) work as it should?

When using the install drive option and after using drive parameters it
seems to bring up any old numbers in the various fields. numbers which
are not the correct values 

The drive is a quantum 4.3g but it will only let me see 4.0g

When entereing the correct settings listed on the hard drive the drive
becomes 80meg. WHY!

Using hdtoolbox that came with 3.1 it works correctly.

I can not say what it is like for those able to use the new scsi.device
but I think I will use hdtoolbox that came with 3.1.

While on the subject Im not sure if was the correct course of action
but I have removed the scsi.device lines in the nsdpatch config file
which now allows me to use the tools supplied with ide-fix correctly. I
have come to the assumption that with ide-fix installed that
scsi.device does not need patching.


Message 38654

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: pc....hate....ugggh
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 10:12:07 +0000 (GMT)
On Mon, 29 Nov 1999, Matthew O'Neill wrote:

> Please everyone this year spare a thought for others, don't buy them a pc
> and put them through hell, no matter how much you hate them!

> pc:
> serial port was dissabled
> download software crashed whenever you saved
> wouldn't transfer along laplink cable cos it thought i was printing.
> pictures wouldn't rotate in word

use the right tools for the job. use an image editor to rotate images


Message 38655

From :Matthew Garrett <>
Subject: [afb] Re: pc....hate....ugggh
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 10:12:45 +0000
On Mon, Nov 29, 1999 at 07:13:54PM +0100, Matthew O'Neill wrote:

> Please everyone this year spare a thought for others, don't buy them a pc
> and put them through hell, no matter how much you hate them!

I'm sorry, I think you meant "Don't buy them Windows".

Matthew Garrett |

Message 38656

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Gameboys
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 10:10:05 +0000
Hi Peter,

>> Mattell Intellivision and Colecovision Adam.

> Sorry matey, I used to have an Intellivision, and it didn't have any form
> of analogue input. The circular direction pad was similar to ordinary
> joypads, except that it had 8 digital direction sensors instead of 4.

Fairy snuff. I didtoo, but it was years ago. I remembered the bit disc-thing
at the top of the pad and misremembered that it was analogue. Mea culpa.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Excuse for the day: change in Earth's rotational speed

Message 38657

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 10:15:38 +0000 (GMT)
On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Chris Green wrote:

> I don't know about you guys, but after shelling out for it, I expect a CD
> WITHOUT any corrupted application files on it!

So did wasnt their fault - it was a fault at the duplication


Message 38658

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: mui
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 10:11:51 +0000
Hi Stephen,

>  Does  anyone know if that there is a UK registration address ?

Not any longer. It used to be Paul Jewell, but he was taking longer and
longer to reply to registrations that eventually he gave up...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
If at first you don't succeed, try the switch marked "Power"

Message 38659

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 100MHz 68040!
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 10:13:58 +0000
Hi Mike,

> Yes its true, 100MHz 68040 for around 150 pounds. They do a 80MHz 040
> thats a bit cheaper.

> Check this through and follow link, or go to


> This company also do 66MHz 030's.

> They have a full price list in dollars.

> How about grabbing one Ben and tell us all about it?

Yawn! I covered it in Amiga Computing about five years ago! Ask Blittersoft,
who were handling it! No-one wanted one then, so he gave up...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
       Are you on our Amiga Angels list yet?
             Help your fellow Amigan!

Message 38660

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modems and Miami
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 10:18:51 +0000 (GMT)
On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Frost wrote:

> Yet people expect the same results as with a modem costing =A360, rather =
> =A310 on the shelf. What a bunch of nitwits! My Pace modem was pricy, but=
> every penny!

serious net gamers steer well clear of these devices want your
CPU to work on the game, not work on the data sent! :-)


Message 38661

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Quick way to the new amiga?
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 10:22:15 +0000 (GMT)
On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Oliver Esberger wrote:

> Why does everyone seem to think these G4 boards are a computer of their
> own? They are not. They are not any more (or less) complex than a 060
> card. Granted, they have their own bussystem, but that's it. If it would
> be that easy to construct a stand alone computer, we would already have
> Amiga clones. BTW the Cyberstorm 060 Mk3 has its own local bus, too. 

..yes, but only one expansion slot. These G4 cards practically ARE a
computer on a card. They have CPU, memory, video slot, 2 miniPCI slots -
for SCSI or ATA-66 ID support and a sound card. With all of this, what
do you need the Amiga motherboard for? ah yes! floppy access, basic IO
(serial/parallel) and power. doesnt take much for it to all be on that
one card.


Message 38662

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Picasso 2s, ZII busboards and Apollos
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 10:24:50 +0000 (GMT)
On 30 Nov 1999, Kevin Fairhurst wrote:

> > After spending all bloody weekend trying to get this damn machine to
> > recognise my nice new(ish) Picasso 2 it turns out its my sodding
> > accelerator card causing the problems. The card is an Apollo 1230 mkIII
> > with two simm slots from Eyetech. Any help would be gratefully recieved
> any idea what it is about the accelerator that is causing the problem?  I
> mean, you bought it in good faith (off my mate after proof it worked fine
> on his a1200 and mine ;) so it's not the stuff you bought, probably the
> cheap accelerator you are using *grin*
> Seriously, have you tried it without the RAM and all sorts of things like
> that?  what about using the card in different slots?

sounds like one of those accel cards that maps over the first 16Mb of
memory space - thats PCMCIA and ZII space. Try without the memory
installed...otherwise you'll have to get a new accel card. these thigns
were designed before the Zorro BUSboards were thought of


Message 38663

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: YAM YAM YAM and Registering MUI
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 10:28:04 +0000 (GMT)
On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Andy Kinsella wrote:

> If MUI so hot, why do the developers of the major commercial apps not
> use it?
> The only notables are Drawstudio and WCS, neither of which have seen
> much development lately. . .

then theres all the commercial internet apps that use it. Other apps
dont use it because it can introduce very hard to find bugs - and there
is still a large anti-MUI movement that stemmed from the AMosaic fiasco


Message 38664

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Gameboys (long avanced warning!!!)
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 10:31:02 -0000
> Hi M.
> >> i can stand on a CD without it being damaged...i can also 
> >> drop it into a bowl of water...or spill a beer on it.
> > Scratch the front of your CD with a penknife :)
> Still, works, just don't scrathc the back...

It depends what you call the front what you call the back.

Okay, try and snap a CD :)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38665

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: If...
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 10:27:58 +0000
Hi Phil,

> Just a question don't jump down my throat.
> When Amiga emulation reaches the level when an 060 can be emulated at full
> speed, will that be the end of the classic Amiga?

I think it will be because what people want from their Amigas has changed...
no longer is it so important to the majority of Amiga users that we have
excellent syncing with video, now it seems that most people want fast 3D
graphics. The age-old question of what makes an Amiga an Amiga is now
becoming more and more a question about the OS rather than the hardware...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Is there another word for synonym?

Message 38666

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Zips
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 10:32:51 +0000 (GMT)
On 1 Dec 1999, Tim Seifert wrote:

> around with ANY IDE add on.  Everything I read about them suggests
> they're far from plug it in and use it.  From incompatibilities, things
> not booting, nasty behaviour, and waiting ages for registrations before
> you get out of demo mode.

well, that last part can be solved with OS3.5 as for mucking set a drive as master, other as slave


Message 38667

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modems and Miami
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 10:35:18 +0000 (GMT)
On 1 Dec 1999, Tim Seifert wrote:

> Theoretically, a software based MoDem ;-) ought to be more useful than a
> hardware one (where all it is /is/ an analogue interface to the phone
> line, and digital signal processing is applied).  This would allow the
> use of any protocol, modifications to suit stupid MoDems at the other
> end of the line, and very easy inclusion of new protocols.

most MoDems are 'software' already - just in a FlashROM inside the
MoDem! you dont want your computer CPU to do such mandance tasks..a DSP
is better suited.

also these FlashROMs can be updated...but only to the limit of other
hardware inside the MoDem.


Message 38668

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga stuff for sale...
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 10:39:59 +0000 (GMT)

sorry, the list isnt for sale messages (as said by Ben already)
50 quid for a 1.2Gb drive????sheeesh!!!


Message 38669

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Latest HDtoolbox
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 10:41:59 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 1 Dec 1999, Mad Matt wrote:

> While on the subject Im not sure if was the correct course of action
> but I have removed the scsi.device lines in the nsdpatch config file
> which now allows me to use the tools supplied with ide-fix correctly. I
> have come to the assumption that with ide-fix installed that
> scsi.device does not need patching.

no. leave the nsdpatch file alone! if you're using idefix97, then just
add the 

setpatch skipromupdates "scsi.device" quiet

line to your s:startup-sequence  (replacing current setpatch line)


Message 38670

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 100MHz 68040!
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 10:42:59 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 1 Dec 1999, Ben Vost wrote:

> Yawn! I covered it in Amiga Computing about five years ago! Ask Blittersoft,
> who were handling it! No-one wanted one then, so he gave up...

well, they can buy direct these much did it cost back in 94


Message 38671

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Gameboys (long avanced warning!!!)
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 10:43:42 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 1 Dec 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:

> It depends what you call the front what you call the back.
> Okay, try and snap a CD :)

quite hard to do....but this argument is pointless. go try break a N64
cart  ;-)


Message 38672

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: If...
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 10:44:52 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 1 Dec 1999, Ben Vost wrote:

> no longer is it so important to the majority of Amiga users that we have
> excellent syncing with video, now it seems that most people want fast 3D
> graphics. The age-old question of what makes an Amiga an Amiga is now
> becoming more and more a question about the OS rather than the hardware...

true...and you still cant beat a classic Amiga for decent video
presentation creation straight out of the box.


Message 38673

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Zips
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 10:49:04 +0000
Hi Tim,

> Does anybody know if there's a way to read an Amiga File System
> formatted Zip disk on a PC?  I know floppies can't be done, due to
> hardware reasons, but this shouldn't be the case for Zips or hard
> drives.

I guess it's possible, but unlikely to happen...

> I'd like to burn a CD, but I don't have a burner myself.  And the simplest
> most obvious way, would be to transfer some files using Zip disks (Amiga
> formatted to avoid the DOS filename limitation, or having to put the
> files into archives).

Make an ISO image yourself on your Amiga and you don't have to worry about
naming conventions...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
      ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI

Message 38674

From :"Mad Matt" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Latest HDtoolbox
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 02:53:27 -0800
"alan l.m. buxey" <> wrote: 
original article:
> On Wed, 1 Dec 1999, Mad Matt wrote:
> > While on the subject Im not sure if was the correct course of action
> > but I have removed the scsi.device lines in the nsdpatch config file
> > which now allows me to use the tools supplied with ide-fix
correctly. I
> > have come to the assumption that with ide-fix installed that
> > scsi.device does not need patching.
> no. leave the nsdpatch file alone! if you're using idefix97, then just
> add the 
> setpatch skipromupdates "scsi.device" quiet

Done that as the new scsi.device does not work. The beta scsi.device
also did not work on any amiga I tryed it on, A600, 3 A1200s.

If nsdpatch.cfg is left I cannot use the Autopark prefs as the
harddrive does not appear. It also stops the device appearing in some
other utils I use ( can not think of names right now).


Message 38675

From :"Matthew J Fletcher" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Quick way to the new amiga?
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 02:58:27 -0800
"alan l.m. buxey" <> wrote: 
> ..yes, but only one expansion slot. These G4 cards practically ARE a
> computer on a card. They have CPU, memory, video slot, 2 miniPCI
slots -
> for SCSI or ATA-66 ID support and a sound card. With all of this, what
> do you need the Amiga motherboard for? ah yes! floppy access, basic IO
> (serial/parallel) and power. doesnt take much for it to all be on that
> one card.
Infact the only reason its connected to the amiga motherboard at all is
for access to the roms & m68k so you can boot the machine,.. All you
need is some completly native software or a PPC OS (dream), and you
could cut most of the componets out of your old motherboard.


Message 38676

Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 99 12:27:32 +0100 (BST)
> On Wed, Dec 01, 1999 at 10:40:23AM +0100, wrote:
> > > Aaah - the word being one that rhymes with "what oars go into" :)
> > Something that rhymes with water?  Ummm ....
> Nope - the little 'U' shaped things they sit in :)

To be honest, I don`t know what one of them is.  Stirrup maybe?

> > Unless you mean the type of creek where you usually end up without oars! ;)
> Nope - but that word works equally well....

So what word were you thinking of?


Generated by U-NET WebMail -
   U-NET Internet - Easy Internet Access (01925) 484444

Message 38677

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Got OS3.5
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 11:33:31 -0000
> > You may want to go and grab the icons from here 
> >
> > 
> > And convert the icons into OS3.5 style (go find the ConvertNewIcons
> > tool on the OS3.5 CD and type, in the ENV directory of the archive:
> You might want to take a look at PSGlowIconsPre.lha on Aminet, they're
> even better than the ones from (they're not just simple
> cut&paste jobs from older newicons ;)

The ones for the ENV directory are actually really good. The drawers for
PPaint etc. suck bigtime, but the icons work really well
for deficons.

I looked at PSGlowIconsPre.lha and it doesn't have that many more icons
in. It has some nice filetypes for Windows icons, but's
set practically replaces the entire deficons set.

Oh, and deficons just got a prefs editor! Yay!

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38678

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 11:44:18 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 1 Dec 1999 wrote:

> > Nope - the little 'U' shaped things they sit in :)
> To be honest, I don`t know what one of them is.  Stirrup maybe?


Message 38679

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Gameboys (long avanced warning!!!)
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 12:01:01 -0000
> On Wed, 1 Dec 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:
> > It depends what you call the front what you call the back.
> > 
> > Okay, try and snap a CD :)
> quite hard to do....but this argument is pointless. go try break a N64
> cart  ;-)

Snap a CD, snap an N64 cart.

Which is easier?

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38680

From :Tudor Davies <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 13:04:21 +0100
On Wed, Dec 01, 1999 at 11:44:18AM +0000, Alan L.M. Buxey wrote:

> > > Nope - the little 'U' shaped things they sit in :)
> > To be honest, I don`t know what one of them is.  Stirrup maybe?
> rollock!

Alan 'Newsround' Buxey gets it  - there is no escaping his inquisitive and
journolistic (sic) mind :)

btw Matt - if you are reading - no offence intended - I think the thread
we were talking about has long since died...


Tudor Davies                         Running Amiga, Mac, PC & Unices
                                     Technology in Perfect Harmony                     
Visit         Specialist in Internet Security & ISP      Support (RADIUS, Firewalls & Routing)

Message 38681

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 12:03:44 +0000
Hi Tudor,

>>>> Nope - the little 'U' shaped things they sit in :)
>>> To be honest, I don`t know what one of them is.  Stirrup maybe?
>> rollock!

> Alan 'Newsround' Buxey gets it  - there is no escaping his inquisitive and
> journolistic (sic) mind :)

But it's mispelt (sic). It should be "rowlocks".

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
       Are you on our Amiga Angels list yet?
             Help your fellow Amigan!

Message 38682

From :Tudor Davies <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 13:14:09 +0100
Pedantic Ben Vost wrote:

> >> rollock!
> > Alan 'Newsround' Buxey gets it  - there is no escaping his inquisitive and
> > journolistic (sic) mind :)
> But it's mispelt (sic). It should be "rowlocks".

But far closer than "water" or "stirrup"  :)

I think it is "misspelt" - I vaguely remember a joke about a dead female
beaver - don't ask...


Tudor Davies                         Running Amiga, Mac, PC & Unices
                                     Technology in Perfect Harmony                     
Visit         Specialist in Internet Security & ISP      Support (RADIUS, Firewalls & Routing)

Message 38683

From :"James Jaffrey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga stuff for sale... - SORRY!
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 12:44:19 GMT
My apologies for all. I havn't been using the list a lot lately and I must 
have missed some of the MANAGER posts.

>sorry, the list isnt for sale messages (as said by Ben already)
>50 quid for a 1.2Gb drive????sheeesh!!!

Best regards,


Message 38684

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] PPC stuff from phase 5 to be made by Power
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 13:01:31 +0000
Hi all,

Tony from Power has just rung me to say that he has a licence to produce
BVisions, CVPPCs, Cyberstorm Mk IIIs, CyberStorm PPCs and possibly A1200
PPC accelerators (sorry, didn't ask about that one specifically). The first
products will dribble out before Christmas, but the real production will be
available before the end of January. Good news, eh? Especially after we've
all been moaning about their lack of availability...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Evil Surgeons Demand Black Smocks

Message 38685

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC stuff from phase 5 to be made by Power
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 13:09:14 -0000
> Hi all,
> Tony from Power has just rung me to say that he has a licence=20
> to produce BVisions, CVPPCs, Cyberstorm Mk IIIs, CyberStorm
> PPCs and possibly A1200 PPC accelerators (sorry, didn't ask
> about that one specifically).=20

If they'll do me a PPC and a BVision for less than =A3150,
then I'm sold :)

However unlikely :)

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38686

Subject: [afb] Genectic Species
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 05:23:03 -0800

Can someone tell me if you can do link gaming with genetic species as i
am thinking of buying it if you can do link gaming with it.


Message 38687

From :Patrice Champarou <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Mag Prices (was " Vost? Irc? It's all the same to me...")
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 14:23:01 +0200
Hello Ben

On 01-Dec-99, you wrote:

> Nope. Think about it, Future makes a profit from AF. Future drops price
> (by not including CD), Future no longer makes such a large profit on AF.
> AF closes...

  May I add that the French magazine Login has almost  completely stopped 
dealing with the Amiga, but still includes Amiga stuff on its CD ( last
month,  LinuxPPC 5 + miscellaneous workbench tools )?
  I suppose some Amiga users keep buying it only for the CD.


( William Shakespeare - Hamlet, act 4, scene 1 )

Message 38688

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Zips
Date: 02 Dec 99 00:10:57 +0900
_Replying to a message_:

   By:  Alan L.M. Buxey <>
  Via:  Sealey, M. <>
Dated:  01-Dec-99 01:18:22
About:  [afb] Re: Amiga Zips

Hi Alan,

>> Oh bugger.  Yet another spanner in the works.  If only I'd been
>> available to afford an external SCSI burner...  I suppose I could try
>> ripping the IDE burner out of the Windoze box, but I don't like the idea
>> of all the IDE mucking around on the A1200 that would entail.

> I use an ATAPI CDwriter on my Amiga with MakeCD. what make of CD writer
> is it?

Mitsumi, I think.  I don't know *yet*, I'll have to wait and see what it
really is.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38689

From :"Richard Drummond" <>
Subject: [afb] PPC operating systems
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 13:50:21 +0000 (GMT)
Hi All.

I think it's fairly safe to say that the future of Amiga is with the PowerPC
processor in some form or another, whether via an accelerator (such as p5's
G4 boards) or a stand-alone product such as a POP motherboard.

The problem now is that we need an operating system.

Here's a brief summary of the possibilities:

1) A port of AmigaOS

H&P seem keen to port our OS to the PPC. Other projects could help here,
including AROS, COSA, etc. 

2) PowerOS

A PPC-native OS with an AmigaOS look and feel. See

3) Linux

How can we forget the Linux juggernaut? Not quite at home on the PPC yet,
but it's early days. Can provide Amiga emulation via UAE or AROS. Not in
the least bit Amiga-like, though.

4) QNX

Once a partner of Amiga, Inc.; now a partner of p5. They produce a lean,
mean and rock-solid OS with a POSIX front-end. 

5) BeOS

Once mooted as a possible basis for a new AmigaOS. Modern, flexible desktop
OS, let down by a lack of software. Be seem to be shying away from the PPC
since they started the x86 branch.

6) MacOS

No thanks at the moment. But MacOS X will be based on the Mach kernel and
parts will be open-source. Could be a contender to run on a PPC Amiga?

So, dear readers, what are your opinions here? Which of these or possibly
other solutions would you like to see running on your shiny new POP box or
G4 card?

What features do you think a PPC OS should have? How important is memory
protection and virtual memory? How Amiga-like should it be? Is the ability
to run current (m68k or WarpOS) binaries crucial?

Comments please . . .

Richard Drummond
Staff Writer, Amiga Format

pgp   :
phone : +44 (0)1225 442244 ext 2417

Message 38690

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: If...
Date: 02 Dec 99 00:23:51 +0900
_Replying to a message_:

   By:  Alan L.M. Buxey <>
   To:  afb <>
Dated:  01-Dec-99 19:44:52
About:  [afb] Re: If...

Hi Alan,

>> no longer is it so important to the majority of Amiga users that we have
>> excellent syncing with video, now it seems that most people want fast 3D
>> graphics. The age-old question of what makes an Amiga an Amiga is now
>> becoming more and more a question about the OS rather than the hardware...

> true...and you still cant beat a classic Amiga for decent video
> presentation creation straight out of the box.

Not just that, but excellent title and graphics generators for use in
video production.  That's why I bought mine in the first place, and I'll
still be using for that too, despite having to buy (just now) a PC for
other things.  I'll probably still use the Amiga for various net things
too (mail seems a lot better here).  But web browsing is getting to be a
major problem with JavaScript, Java, and other nasties.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38691

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Quick way to the new amiga?
Date: 02 Dec 99 00:30:01 +0900
_Replying to a message_:

   By:  Alan L.M. Buxey <>
   To:  afb <>
Dated:  01-Dec-99 19:22:15
About:  [afb] Re: Quick way to the new amiga?

Hi Alan,

>> Why does everyone seem to think these G4 boards are a computer of their
>> own? They are not. They are not any more (or less) complex than a 060
>> card. Granted, they have their own bussystem, but that's it. If it would
>> be that easy to construct a stand alone computer, we would already have
>> Amiga clones. BTW the Cyberstorm 060 Mk3 has its own local bus, too. 

> ..yes, but only one expansion slot. These G4 cards practically ARE a
> computer on a card. They have CPU, memory, video slot, 2 miniPCI slots -
> for SCSI or ATA-66 ID support and a sound card. With all of this, what
> do you need the Amiga motherboard for? ah yes! floppy access, basic IO
> (serial/parallel) and power. doesnt take much for it to all be on that
> one card.

Hey, what ever happened to those Amigas on a PCI card?  The ones people
turned into miniature computer display devices (by putting one and a
storage device into a miniature box), or the ones you used as a card in
a PC.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38692

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modems and Miami
Date: 02 Dec 99 00:26:53 +0900
_Replying to a message_:

   By:  Alan L.M. Buxey <>
   To:  Frost <>
Dated:  01-Dec-99 19:35:18
About:  [afb] Re: Modems and Miami

Hi Alan,

> On 1 Dec 1999, Tim Seifert wrote:

>> Theoretically, a software based MoDem ;-) ought to be more useful than a
>> hardware one (where all it is /is/ an analogue interface to the phone
>> line, and digital signal processing is applied).  This would allow the
>> use of any protocol, modifications to suit stupid MoDems at the other
>> end of the line, and very easy inclusion of new protocols.

> most MoDems are 'software' already - just in a FlashROM inside the
> MoDem! you dont want your computer CPU to do such mandance tasks..a DSP
> is better suited.
> also these FlashROMs can be updated...but only to the limit of other
> hardware inside the MoDem.

I think you'll find there are still quite a few MoDem task specific
chips (hardware) in many MoDems.  Mine has about three or four in there,
and they're not all just analogue buffers, and interfacing.

The flashroms would usually just be protocols, etc.  Not every MoDem
function would be software.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38693

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Zips
Date: 02 Dec 99 00:39:16 +0900
_Replying to a message_:

   By:  Ben Vost <>
   To:  afb <>
Dated:  01-Dec-99 19:49:04
About:  [afb] Re: Amiga Zips

Hi Ben,

>> Does anybody know if there's a way to read an Amiga File System
>> formatted Zip disk on a PC?  I know floppies can't be done, due to
>> hardware reasons, but this shouldn't be the case for Zips or hard
>> drives.

> I guess it's possible, but unlikely to happen...

I would of thought, that with all the die hards using an Amiga emulator
on their PC, that someone would have made a driver for Windows to work
with a foreign media (Amiga disks).

>> I'd like to burn a CD, but I don't have a burner myself.  And the simplest
>> most obvious way, would be to transfer some files using Zip disks (Amiga
>> formatted to avoid the DOS filename limitation, or having to put the
>> files into archives).

> Make an ISO image yourself on your Amiga and you don't have to worry about
> naming conventions...

Which is one thing I've thought of, though it still entails getting a
large amount of data over from the Amiga, to the PC.

I don't know which will be more difficult, doing it that way, or
transferring all the files to the PC, then making the CD entirely on the
PC, and trying to make the disk properly usable on the Amiga.

Grrr, damn PCs, damn them to hell.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38694

From :"Andrew McCombe" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Genectic Species
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 14:23:52 -0000
> Can someone tell me if you can do link gaming with genetic species as i
> am thinking of buying it if you can do link gaming with it.

No - GS is one player only.

Message 38695

From :"Daniel Thornton" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Active
Date: 1 Dec 99 14:16:13 +0000
On Wed, 1 Dec 1999 10:09:41 +0000 (GMT), Alan L.M. Buxey wibbled...

> by it from eyetech? It seems that Active are trying to move their sales
> through 3rd party channels

Well, it's all very well saying that now, but when I ordered itt back at
the end of September, Active were still taking orders. Chris made no
announcement that he was changing the way his business works, his
website hasn't been updated since October, and it still has the online
ordering facility *which he no longer supports*.

I realise he's busy, but how long would it have taken him to write a
couple of lines for his website directing people to Eyetech for orders?
.--------------------------------The Wibble-----------------------------.
|     Kenneth Williams says - "I'd endorse The Wibble, but I'm dead"    |
| ICQ 28589940  |
`-Now with regular updates : 01/12/99 was the most recent, for instance-'

Message 38696

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Zips
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 14:25:49 +0000
Hi Tim,

>> Make an ISO image yourself on your Amiga and you don't have to worry
>> about naming conventions...

> Which is one thing I've thought of, though it still entails getting a
> large amount of data over from the Amiga, to the PC.

Most Zip disks these days are pre-formatted to PC filing system standards.
Make sure your ISO image is eight.thr named and you'll have no probs...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Why is the word abbreviation so long?

Message 38697

From :"Michael Carrillo" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC stuff from phase 5 to be made by Power
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 06:37:23 -0800
"ben vost" <> wrote: 
original article:
> Hi all,
> Tony from Power has just rung me to say that he has a licence to
> BVisions, CVPPCs, Cyberstorm Mk IIIs, CyberStorm PPCs and possibly
> PPC accelerators (sorry, didn't ask about that one specifically).

Tch! Typical of you Mr Vost. Honest Amiga Format Editors, Can't live
with them can't live without 'em.  Talk about investigative journolism

Anyhow as long as they are better built than the Phase 5 PPC I already
have, should be OK. Overheats? Overheats? You can fry bacon on my one.


Mikey C

Message 38698

From :Samuel Byford <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Mag Prices (was " Vost? Irc? It's all the same to me...")
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 11:45:37 +0000
Hello Ben

> Nope. Think about it, Future makes a profit from AF. Future drops price=
> not including CD), Future no longer makes such a large profit on AF. AF=

> closes...

Could they not scrap the big CD holders - AAs idea was a good one. Perhap=
s something similar to that would help cut costs?

Just a thought.

-- =

Bifford the Youngest
(Sam Byford)
Visit my site:
 ICQ: 52983236
 IRC:  IRCNet #AmIRC or #Pub

Message 38699

Subject: [afb] Re: 100MHz 68040!
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 07:00:06 -0800
"ben vost" <> wrote: 
original article:
> Hi Mike,
> > Yes its true, 100MHz 68040 for around 150 pounds. They do a 80MHz
> > thats a bit cheaper.
> > How about grabbing one Ben and tell us all about it?
> Yawn! I covered it in Amiga Computing about five years ago! Ask
> who were handling it! No-one wanted one then, so he gave up...

Typical..I was reading my stack of amiga mags dating back to 1994 the
other week..reminicing about the good old days (btw whats Colin
Proudfoot upto ?)
and saw the same advert+artivcle that you mention..
Anyway (Yes, I have a point!)..
 Maybe the reason not many sold 5 yrs ago was because not many people
actually had an 040 card..a 50Mhz 030 was considered speedy in those
 Also, those that did buy an 040 card were then probably skint and
couldnt afford the doubler to plug into it. So now that 040`s are more
widespread, I`d be interested to know what accelerator cards they do
work in( maybe the seed of an article for AF?)
 Final point..did Motorola actually make a 50MHz 040 (since the 100mhz
mentioned is the internal clock) or is it a 40 overclocked?


Message 38700

From :Ben Chapman <>
Subject: [afb] Erm...
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 15:02:18 +0100
Hello Ben

Just wondering, did you get the e-mail i sent you about articles for af?

Best Regards

Ben Chapman

Message 38701

From :Stephen Marriott <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Shorting the sig!
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 14:38:12 +0000 (GMT)
On Sun, 28 Nov 1999, Michael wrote:

> I think it was on this list that someone complained that my sig was
> too big and needed to have -- put in....Can someone check and alter my
> sig if wrong, please....thanks in advance

RFC 1855 Netiquette Guidelines -

"If you include a signature keep it short. Rule of thumb is no longer than
4 lines. Remember that many people pay for connectivity by the minute, and
the longer your message is, the more they pay."

Stephen Marriott -
HiSOFT, The Old School, Greenfield, Bedford, MK45 5DE, UK
Tel: +44 1525 718181 Fax: +44 1525 713716 Freecall: 0500 223 660 PGP public key on request.ICQ#:29793027

Message 38702

From :Stephen Marriott <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amigas in industry
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 14:42:11 +0000 (GMT)
On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Matthew O'Neill wrote:

> Just to follow on from what was being said before, I found a 1200
> powering 6 or so monitors around a club, Saracens in Luton (maybe Mr.
> Furmanski can confirm this?) using scala of course to show all the
> special offers etc. Nicely hiddenbehind the DJ's stand :)

I guess u mean the Saracens Head in Dunstable.  AFAIK there isn't a
Saracens Head in Luton.  FWIW, they have been using that A1200 for a few
yrs now...

Stephen Marriott -
HiSOFT, The Old School, Greenfield, Bedford, MK45 5DE, UK
Tel: +44 1525 718181 Fax: +44 1525 713716 Freecall: 0500 223 660 PGP public key on request.ICQ#:29793027

Message 38703

From :"Michael Carrillo" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 07:27:27 -0800
"richard drummond" <> wrote: 
original article:
> Hi All.
> I think it's fairly safe to say that the future of Amiga is with the
> processor in some form or another, whether via an accelerator (such
as p5's
> G4 boards) or a stand-alone product such as a POP motherboard.

I t'ink you can bet your house on it t'be sure.

> The problem now is that we need an operating system.
> Here's a brief summary of the possibilities:
> 1) A port of AmigaOS
> H&P seem keen to port our OS to the PPC. Other projects could help
> including AROS, COSA, etc. 

Don't forget Petro is too. So it could happen, let's hope that enough
copies of OS3.5 are sold. 

This is also my most favoured option. However, I wonder how much longer
the Amiga will continue for? Let's face it, the market is not likely to
get bigger 
is it? Still I would love to see Amiga OS go PPC.

> 2) PowerOS
> A PPC-native OS with an AmigaOS look and feel. See

Hmm, How do we know thi one won't fizzle out like the rest?
> 3) Linux
> How can we forget the Linux juggernaut? Not quite at home on the PPC
> but it's early days. Can provide Amiga emulation via UAE or AROS. Not
> the least bit Amiga-like, though.

Exactly why I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole.
> 4) QNX
> Once a partner of Amiga, Inc.; now a partner of p5. They produce a
> mean and rock-solid OS with a POSIX front-end. 

This one really interests me and could be a good solid viable
alternative to 
Amiga OS. Especially if gets commercial support.
> 5) BeOS
> Once mooted as a possible basis for a new AmigaOS. Modern, flexible
> OS, let down by a lack of software. Be seem to be shying away from
the PPC
> since they started the x86 branch.

Nice OS, Shame about the lack of Software releases though.
> 6) MacOS
> No thanks at the moment. But MacOS X will be based on the Mach kernel
> parts will be open-source. Could be a contender to run on a PPC Amiga?

I am already running Mac OS 8 on Fusion. God! It's so boring! Totally
uninspiring! It's a wonder Amiga Format is such a good read when you
consider the OS that it's produced on.

Well, you wanted opinions Richard, here's mine.


Mikey C

Message 38704

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC stuff from phase 5 to be made by Power
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 15:38:39 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 1 Dec 1999, Ben Vost wrote:

> Tony from Power has just rung me to say that he has a licence to produce
> BVisions, CVPPCs, Cyberstorm Mk IIIs, CyberStorm PPCs and possibly A1200
> PPC accelerators (sorry, didn't ask about that one specifically). The first
> products will dribble out before Christmas, but the real production will be
> available before the end of January. Good news, eh? Especially after we've
> all been moaning about their lack of availability...

good news for the software writers who are writing the top-end 3D stuff!


Message 38705

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 15:40:36 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 1 Dec 1999, Ben Vost wrote:

> But it's mispelt (sic). It should be "rowlocks".

;-) i know...but my spelling was within the 'realm' of the original
usage 8-)


Message 38706

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Zips
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 15:43:30 +0000 (GMT)
On 2 Dec 1999, Tim Seifert wrote:

> Mitsumi, I think.  I don't know *yet*, I'll have to wait and see what it
> really is.

if its Mitsumi, you're laughing...thats the make i've got


Message 38707

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC stuff from phase 5 to be made by Power
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 15:38:48 +0000
Hi Michael,

> Anyhow as long as they are better built than the Phase 5 PPC I already
> have, should be OK. Overheats? Overheats? You can fry bacon on my one.

I shouldn't think they'll be built any differently to what you already

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Amiga and DOpusWBR - a match made in computing heaven.

Message 38708

From :"Michael Carrillo" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC stuff from phase 5 to be made by Power
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 07:50:09 -0800
"ben vost" <> wrote: 
original article:
> Hi Michael,
> > Anyhow as long as they are better built than the Phase 5 PPC I
> > have, should be OK. Overheats? Overheats? You can fry bacon on my
> I shouldn't think they'll be built any differently to what you already
> have...

Actually they were, You see, I bought one of the very first 603/160 PPC
cards at WoA'98. They went a couple subtle redisigns after my one was
made to make them dissipate heat better. 

So I am informed by a certain Amiga magazine editor. ;)


Mikey C

Message 38709

From :"Richard Drummond" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 16:03:04 +0000 (GMT)
Hi Mikey

On 01-Dec-99, you wrote:
> I t'ink you can bet your house on it t'be sure.

If I had a house, I might be inclined to wager.

>> 2) PowerOS
> Hmm, How do we know thi one won't fizzle out like the rest?

Well, we don't. Also, don't underestimate what a large undertaking writing
an entire operating system is. When could we realistically expect results
from them?

>> 6) MacOS
> I am already running Mac OS 8 on Fusion. God! It's so boring! Totally
> uninspiring! It's a wonder Amiga Format is such a good read when you
> consider the OS that it's produced on.

A signficant part of the work is also done on Amigas.

My problem with MacOS is not that it's boring, but that it's so inflexible.
It treats the user like an imbecile. It's so infuriating, it makes me want
to SCREAM. I hate it! I hate it! Deep breaths . . .

> Well, you wanted opinions Richard, here's mine.

Thanks. Your opinions are duly noted. ;)

Richard Drummond
Staff Writer, Amiga Format

pgp   :
phone : +44 (0)1225 442244 ext 2417

Message 38710

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 16:26:54 -0000
> Hi All.
> I think it's fairly safe to say that the future of Amiga is 
> with the PowerPC processor in some form or another, whether
> via an accelerator (such as p5's G4 boards) or a stand-alone
> product such as a POP motherboard.
> The problem now is that we need an operating system.
> Here's a brief summary of the possibilities:
> 1) A port of AmigaOS
> H&P seem keen to port our OS to the PPC. Other projects could 
> help here, including AROS, COSA, etc. 

You can bet that Haage & Partner will be producing this as OS4.0
whether they get 'enough sales' of OS3.5 or not.
> 2) PowerOS
> A PPC-native OS with an AmigaOS look and feel. See 

Rubbish. YAAPOS (Yet Another Amiga PowerPC Operating System).
Like 'pOS', 'Screens' and it's ilk, it ain't gonna go nowhere.

> 3) Linux

Only if we get a Debian port ;)

> 4) QNX
> Once a partner of Amiga, Inc.; now a partner of p5. They
> produce a lean, mean and rock-solid OS with a POSIX
> front-end. 

I'll just add any of Phoenix's efforts to that. Oh, and I'd
not flaunt that 'partner of p5' thing too much, as it's
not entirely accurate - phase5 is more a partner of QNX
than the other way around..

> So, dear readers, what are your opinions here? Which of
> these or possibly ther solutions would you like to see
> running on your shiny new POP box or G4 card?

I want either AmigaOS or QNX, and possibly Linux (if they
port Corel Linux, then I'm in there!) but anything else
is a bit naff, and either a lacklustre effort to get some
publicity (PowerOS) or a proprietary system with no real
prospects for being ported to anything BUT those systems

> What features do you think a PPC OS should have?

Any! ;)

> How important is memory protection and virtual memory?

Memory protection is good, but I wouldn't flaunt it as
a killer feature. Virtual memory is also a nice feature,
but it also shouldn't be flaunted as a selling point -
they pretty much get taken for granted these days and
IMO saying your OS is worth buying by putting:

Virtual Memory!
Memory Protection!
Hard disk support!

.. on the back of the box is lame.

> How Amiga-like should it be?

Given the Amiga's current state, I'd rather it stuck to
basic principles and methodologies rather than batch
copying features for the sake of the AmiWM-style feel,
or the stupid shareware situation (i.e. ZX datatypes)

> Is the ability to run current (m68k or WarpOS)
> binaries crucial?

Only if my A1200 blows up..

Just because I have a POP board and/or a BoXeR and/or
some kind of neat Apple G4 system, doesn't mean that
my A1200 will stop working, or that I will stop using
it - I certainly couldn't sell it, and throwing it out
is a waste..

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38711

Subject: [afb] Re: PPC stuff from phase 5 to be made by Power
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 08:35:57 -0800
> > Tony from Power has just rung me to say that he has a licence to
> produce
> > BVisions

At last! Ha ha ha! I'll show you all! etc etc etc...

> Anyhow as long as they are better built than the Phase 5 PPC I already
> have, should be OK. Overheats? Overheats? You can fry bacon on my one.

Really? Mines fine, especially since I added the PowerFlyer GOLD. A
quick tip: make sure you put the ROMs in their correct sockets,
otherwise you'll get a black screen and nothing else!


Message 38712

From :Bert Volders <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Cyberstorm MK III 060 + PicassoIV + A3000 Desktop = problems?
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 18:32:46 +0100
Hey Kevin

On 01-dec-99, you wrote:

> Does anyone have a combination of these two cards in an A3000 desktop? 
> I can't get them to work together!  Anyone have these two cards in any
> Amiga together?  Any suggested jumper settings?  I have the rev 11
> Buster chip.
No, I just have the PicassoIV in my A3000 combined with the old Commodore

> What happens is that the computer starts, then the power light blinks
> and it reboots, then blinks, etc. etc.  Either cards works great
> without the other, but I don't want either a 16 color 68060 Amiga
> (already got an A2000 like that)or a 25mhz 16 million color Amiga (then
> Cinema4D stuff will take far longer than even my A1200!)  Help!
Hmmm... Hardone. What OS are you using? If 3.5 then try to disable any
ROM-update. The ROM-update caused me a lot of trouble (for instance the
constant reset-loop). If that does not work you could also sign up to the
special Picasso96 mailing-list. That can be done on :
> Kevin Orme
Bert Volders
^^^^^Don't go there, its not finished yet...
ICQ_Nick: Speedy
ICQ_UIN: 38809545

Message 38713

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Zips
Date: 1 Dec 1999 16:2:22 +0000
Tim Seifert said, 

>> Make an ISO image yourself on your Amiga and you don't have to worry about
>> naming conventions...

> Which is one thing I've thought of, though it still entails getting a
> large amount of data over from the Amiga, to the PC.

> I don't know which will be more difficult, doing it that way, or
> transferring all the files to the PC, then making the CD entirely on the
> PC, and trying to make the disk properly usable on the Amiga.

Making the ISO image on the Amiga is much easier. You can mount the
image file as a pseudo-CD using a utility supplied with MakeCD.  This
means you can test everything out before transferring it to the PC for a
simple copy to the CD.

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Joystick: (n.) a device essential for performing business tasks and training
          exercises esp. favored by pilots, tank commanders, riverboat
          gamblers, and medieval warlords.

Message 38714

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Shorting the sig!
Date: 1 Dec 1999 16:7:6 +0000
Stephen Marriott said, 

> "If you include a signature keep it short. Rule of thumb is no longer than
> 4 lines.

> --
1> Stephen Marriott -
2> HiSOFT, The Old School, Greenfield, Bedford, MK45 5DE, UK
3> Tel: +44 1525 718181 Fax: +44 1525 713716 Freecall: 0500 223 660
4> PGP public key on request.ICQ#:29793027


Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet -
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider

Message 38715

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Shorting the sig!
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 17:40:10 -0000
> Stephen Marriott said, 
> > "If you include a signature keep it short. Rule of thumb is 
> > no longer than 4 lines.
> > --
> 1> Stephen Marriott -
> 2> HiSOFT, The Old School, Greenfield, Bedford, MK45 5DE, UK
> 3> Tel: +44 1525 718181 Fax: +44 1525 713716 Freecall: 0500 223 660
> 4> PGP public key on request.ICQ#:29793027
> 5>

Aww, come on Neil. At least it's generally all useful information.
Look how he's tried to SQUEEZE it all in.

At least he hasn't listed the specs of every Amiga at Hisoft :)

(BTW Steve, count me in for a copy of Soundprobe 3!)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38716

From :"Michael" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: A new amiga in the PSX2?
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 05:48:15 -0000
> > Are we still talking about the PSX2?...its just that didn't Sony say
> > the PSX2 would be running a modifyed Linux kernal?
> No, they said the development system would run under Linux.
Ah...I though Sony were being cheap bastards....its not to hard to believe!!


Message 38717

From :Stephen Marriott <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Shorting the sig!
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 18:10:02 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 1 Dec 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:

> > Stephen Marriott said, 
> > > "If you include a signature keep it short. Rule of thumb is 
> > > no longer than 4 lines.
> > 
> > > --
> > 1> Stephen Marriott -
> > 2> HiSOFT, The Old School, Greenfield, Bedford, MK45 5DE, UK
> > 3> Tel: +44 1525 718181 Fax: +44 1525 713716 Freecall: 0500 223 660
> > 4> PGP public key on request.ICQ#:29793027
> > 5>
> > 
> Aww, come on Neil. At least it's generally all useful information.
> Look how he's tried to SQUEEZE it all in.

Yep - bit of tight fit.
> At least he hasn't listed the specs of every Amiga at Hisoft :)
;-)  Here goes...

> (BTW Steve, count me in for a copy of Soundprobe 3!)

Better Email Dave O'Reilly <>
ATM there isn't much interest -

Stephen Marriott -
HiSOFT, The Old School, Greenfield, Bedford, MK45 5DE, UK
Tel: +44 1525 718181 Fax: +44 1525 713716 Freecall: 0500 223 660 PGP public key on request.ICQ#:29793027

Message 38718

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Cost of printing at home
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 18:29:30 +0100
On 30-Nov-99, Albert Hunt wrote:

> With the cost of cartridges being roughly as follows.
>    *Black *5    *Color* 10    Bit with Jets + cartridges  29
>  (You can not seem to get it with out )
>    *Photo Cartridge* 40      + for the paper.

Eeeep!, let me take you by the hand and lead to the the world of refils ;)

goto maplins, buy a colour refill kit, a single tub of black ink (about a
fiver for 250mls) and a bottle of flush These are made by jrb.

Now follow the instructions as I did and you'll be able to print a full A4
sheet of solid colour for a about 5p :D b&w writing even less.... The canon
prices are a ripp off, just get the refills, you'll save a packet.

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

I put instant coffee in my microwave and almost went back in time.

Message 38719

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Cover media - 29/11/99
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 19:05:40 +0100
Hi Tim
Somewhere around 30-Nov-99, you spewed some some gumph about [afb] Re: POLL:
Cover media - 29/11/99

> Some of us probably buy it for the CD more than anything else.
> Especially as the content seems to have changed direction since I
> started reading (it doesn't seem as informative).

I know, its more of a round up of the stuff on the net now. Gone are the
days when AF could secure an exclusive story, now everything is slowly
(very!) leaked onto the net. There hasn't been a story on collas, amiga,
the new machine, 3rd parties or anything for months :( If Ben canne' get
insider info, we're screwed. I'd really like to know what Collas is up to

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

Herman Hollerith is buried 9 edge, face down.

Message 38720

From :Matthew Garrett <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 18:35:04 +0000
On Wed, Dec 01, 1999 at 04:26:54PM -0000, Sealey, M. wrote:

> > 3) Linux
> Only if we get a Debian port ;)

Well, Debian's available for MacPPC - there's no real reason why it
couldn't be ported, if somebody wanted to put in the time and effort. It'd
be pretty trivial if APUS can run Mac PPC binaries - does anyone know if
it can?

Matthew Garrett |

Message 38721

From :Oliver Esberger <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Quick way to the new amiga?
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 19:36:18 +0100
Hello Tim,

On 01-Dez-99, you wrote:

>>> Just a thought about new amigas. As one of the G4 cards will
>>> basically be a computer by its self running QNX, sorta bolted onto
>>> the side of an amiga, why not sell the G4 boards as completely new
>>> machines which
>> Why does everyone seem to think these G4 boards are a computer of
>> their own? They are not. They are not any more (or less) complex than
>> a 060 card. Granted, they have their own bussystem, but that's it. If
>> it would be that easy to construct a stand alone computer, we would
>> already have Amiga clones. BTW the Cyberstorm 060 Mk3 has its own
>> local bus, too.
> It's not all /that/ far from reality though.  Hmm, lets see...

Of course, I see this, but it has always been like that in Zorro3
Amigas. The CPU card basically is the best part of the computer.
That's how they were designed.
> Processor and memory on a card, add a busboard, I/O cards, video card,
> sound card, storage device...  Now you have a computer.  ;-)

Only if you're lucky, and then it will only be a Draco, not an Amiga :)
The Kickstart of your Amiga makes many assumptions (it has to) about the
hardware, the bus protocolls, the i/o slots and not forgetting the
chipset. The mainboard realises these things in hardware. If you want a
stand alone computer you would have to recreate this environment, you'd
need your own chipset (and I don't necessarily mean AGA, even PCs have
a chipset, for example from Intel) and a reprogrammed Kickstart (or in
the case of the Draco, a heavily patched Kickstart). Basically the
motherboard glues all these components together, not only mechanically,
but also electronically. And even if all these parts sit on ONE board
that is connected to ONE single slot, the OS will still treat it as
several single expansions.

Of course your point is also valid, and maybe the AmiRage will
eventually end up like this (if it comes out). Though I think it will be
easier to design a new system from ground up, without all the ballast
the Amiga card has to have.
> Bye,
> Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

Oliver Esberger -

Message 38722

From :Oliver Esberger <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Got OS3.5
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 19:47:04 +0100
Hello Matt,

On 01-Dez-99, you wrote:

> The ones for the ENV directory are actually really good. The drawers
> for PPaint etc. suck bigtime, but the icons work really
> well for deficons.
> I looked at PSGlowIconsPre.lha and it doesn't have that many more
> icons in. It has some nice filetypes for Windows icons, but
>'s set practically replaces the entire deficons set.

That's definately PSGlowIcons weakness, there just aren't enough icons
in it. But there are quite a lot of drawer icons (that actually look
good). Those icons from (I think the "author" is called
Oliver Tacke) just don't look as good as M. Chaputs original ones...
> Oh, and deficons just got a prefs editor! Yay!

Oliver Esberger -

Message 38723

From :"John Hancock" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Fusion Help Please.
Date: 13 Nov 99 00:56:39 -0500
> Q1.
> I have setup Fusion. i.e got the 1mb mac rom, the bootdisk file (from CU
> amiga cd- Hvaing mislaid AF38 CD :(  ). However, when I try and run the
> emulation I get a Mac message that an error has occured and that I
> should try to boot with extensions off by holding the shift key. This I
> do but to no avail, the same message appears.
> Anyone know where I go from here please?

Fusion will only work with System 7.1 and upwards and I think the
bootfile on the CUCD is system 7.0.something. So you'll need to buy a
newer version of the MacOS.   

But I think you can get Sytem 7.5.5 from the apple
ftp site as a free  download. 

Or better still try which has loads of
hints and a downloadable hardfile that will work with Fusion and

> Q2.
> in the startup sequence how do I sort out the problem with OxyPatcher
> and rsrvcold?

Haven't a clue as I don't have Oxypatcher 

Hope that helps :)
John Hancock   -   ICQ 2180544  or 

Message 38724

From : Pekka Sippola <>
Subject: [afb] OS3.5 boots
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 21:23:25 +0200
4 resets by cold start - hallelujah! Oxypatcher, Idefix and SetPatch. I
wonder, what's the fourth?


proud owner of A500 powerhouse ala '91
now cooking with A4000/233PPC

Message 38725

From : Pekka Sippola <>
Subject: [afb] Got OS3.5 almost working
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 20:59:02 +0200
I wonder if anyone has noticed, which program prevents the No Border
function from working. I have not yet found the culprit. Booting from Emergency
Boot disk it works OK. 


proud owner of A500 powerhouse ala '91
now cooking with A4000/233PPC

Message 38726

From :"Maarten Draijer" <>
Subject: [afb] HDToolbox (OS3.5) & Squirrelscsi
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 11:52:21 -0800
Why won't HDToolbox work with my SquirrelSCSI?
I have to use the old hdtoolbox to get acces to it.


Message 38727

From :"Gareth Knight" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What the "heck" is going on???
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 12:15:08 -0000
Sealey, M.
> There must be another 'mouse patent' but I can't see how
> they can patent the method Alan seems to think it is..
I was under the impression that Amiga had the patent on the two button mouse
itself (just as Apple own the patent on the one-button mouse). It would be
worth a substantial amount.
Gareth Knight
Amiga Interactive Guide

Message 38728

From :"Steven Holmes" <>
Subject: [afb] OS3.5 and WB backdrops
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 12:38:02 -0800
Anyone know how to stop the damned annoying scrolling of a
backdrop/window picture in OS3.5?
I bloody hate it and want it static as before.

Steven Holmes

Message 38729

From :Matthew J Fletcher <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 20:41:22 +0100
Hi, children,..

>> I think it's fairly safe to say that the future of Amiga is with the PowerPC
>> processor in some form or another, whether via an accelerator (such as p5's
>> G4 boards) or a stand-alone product such as a POP motherboard.
It shouldent take more than a few months to get a working IBM-POP board,
running, with APUS... or AROS (if only into SAD).

>> 1) A port of AmigaOS
>> H&P seem keen to port our OS to the PPC. Other projects could help here,
>> including AROS, COSA, etc. 
LISTEN TO ME, the source tree of amigaos and aros should be merged RIGHT
NOW !, its just H&P and Amiga, Inc being stuborn that has stoped this.
Aros is 60% complete, this means that given a few months work over half
the OS could be running on PPC hardware NATIVE !!!!!!, given H&P's help and
as many 3rd partys as amiga can afford to pay, all the important stuff
could be ready PPC native buy the summer (for WOA), this is not impossible
or even improbable. The rest could be emulated, the only problem is the

This OS (4.0 ?), would be available on the ppc or 68k, as the os would now
have a nice big abstraction layer. OS 3.6 / 3.7 need not be canceled, as
the new features would be above the hardware abstraction layer. This is a
really sensible idea, that COULD be made to work, if anybody with cash
wanted it to, go on H&P bite the bullit, do it or you will end up selling
mac hardware for the rest of your lives.  

However given the years of pissing about from AI, i doubt thay can do
anything without thinking about it for at least a year or two, by which time
we will all be dead, (or at least our hardware) and using linux and UAE.
>> 3) Linux
Yes, Yes, Yes,... its the best core to start from,.. and it would save
YEARS of work,.. 

>> 4) QNX
Nice, but it has 0.01% industry support, and linux will steam roller it in
>> 6) MacOS
No, under no curcumstances, apple are knee deep in shit, thats why they
are dumping there OS and using mach (i.e unix), and porting about 25% of
the system calls. No, No, No, No.... 

>> What features do you think a PPC OS should have? How important is memory
>> protection and virtual memory? How Amiga-like should it be? Is the ability
>> to run current (m68k or WarpOS) binaries crucial?
I cant list all the features i would like to see in an OS (there are some
big books i would recomend for that), but here is what should be added
over and above linux 2.4 ........ which would be the best base....

- Micro-kernel implementation of Linux.
- Real Time Operating System Functionality.
- Massively extensive modularity of all kernel functions.
- All device drivers removed form core kernel.
- Ultrafast context switching, comparable to vxWorks/ QNX / AmigaOS.
- Super low profile, core kernel is only less than 100k.
- Dynamicly loadable/unloadable modules.
- Complete "Plug & play" (sorry) no need re-compile, bind or patch the kernel.
- Garenteed critical action responce times.
- Completely scaleable across multiple processors.
- Dynamic re-configuration, no need to re-start after settings change,
   device or even kernel update.

And all the stuff i forgot,..


Matthew J Fletcher                               DICE Development Group              ICQ amimjf 44193496
The hardest years are between 10 and 70.

Message 38730

From :"Daniel Thornton" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Shorting the sig!
Date: 1 Dec 99 20:35:19 +0000
On Wed, 1 Dec 1999 17:40:10 -0000, Sealey, M. wibbled...

> Aww, come on Neil. At least it's generally all useful information.
> Look how he's tried to SQUEEZE it all in.

True, but he could fully comply with netiquette simply by removing his
name and email address from the sig, as they are in the mail headers :)
.--------------------------------The Wibble-----------------------------.
|     Kenneth Williams says - "I'd endorse The Wibble, but I'm dead"    |
| ICQ 28589940  |
`-Now with regular updates : 01/12/99 was the most recent, for instance-'

Message 38731

From :Oliver Esberger <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Fusion Help Please.
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 21:51:16 +0100
Hello ,

On 13-Nov-99, you wrote:

>> Q1.
>> I have setup Fusion. i.e got the 1mb mac rom, the bootdisk file (from
>> CU amiga cd- Hvaing mislaid AF38 CD :( ). However, when I try and run
>> the emulation I get a Mac message that an error has occured and that
>> I should try to boot with extensions off by holding the shift key.
>> This I do but to no avail, the same message appears.
>> Anyone know where I go from here please?
> Fusion will only work with System 7.1 and upwards and I think the
> bootfile on the CUCD is system 7.0.something. So you'll need to buy a
> newer version of the MacOS.   

Not necessarily. Try setting "Machine emulation" in Advanced settings to
a lower model, this might help.
Oliver Esberger -

Message 38732

From :"David Monk" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga CD
Date: 01 Dec 99 20:45:22 +0000
>> Mitsumi, I think.  I don't know *yet*, I'll have to wait and see what it
>> really is.

>if its Mitsumi, you're laughing...thats the make i've got

I've got a Mitsumi 4802TE CDR, I've had to stick it in the PC as it's
given me nothing but bother in the Amiga


Message 38733

From :Oliver Esberger <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Fusion Help Please.
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 21:59:04 +0100
>>> Q1.
>>> I have setup Fusion. i.e got the 1mb mac rom, the bootdisk file
>>> (from CU amiga cd- Hvaing mislaid AF38 CD :( ). However, when I try
>>> and run the emulation I get a Mac message that an error has occured
>>> and that I should try to boot with extensions off by holding the
>>> shift key. This I do but to no avail, the same message appears.
>>> Anyone know where I go from here please?
>> Fusion will only work with System 7.1 and upwards and I think the
>> bootfile on the CUCD is system 7.0.something. So you'll need to buy a
>> newer version of the MacOS.   
> Not necessarily. Try setting "Machine emulation" in Advanced settings
> to a lower model, this might help.

Oh, I forgot, set Memory mapping to "Normal". 7.0 did not work with
"No MMU"... (or was it the other way round?...)

Anyway, you really should get yourself a newer version of MacOS.

Oliver Esberger -

Message 38734

From :Colin Buckenham <>
Subject: [afb] Re: HDToolbox (OS3.5) & Squirrelscsi
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 20:52:36 +0000
Hello Maarten

On 01-Dec-99, you wrote:

>MD Why won't HDToolbox work with my SquirrelSCSI?
>MD I have to use the old hdtoolbox to get acces to it.

I too had a problem with HDToolbox and O/S 3.5 but it turned out to be one
of the legs on one of the 3.1 Roms not making a correct contact. Once I had
gone down all four rows of legs pressing them in one at a time to make sure
that they were seating properly my problem resolved itself. The funny thing
is that HDToolbox worked perfectly with the same Roms when run with O/S 3.1

It's worth a try.

All the best

I have been to see Heaven.
Sorry that should say:-
I have been to Seahaven.


                                  100%  Amiga
                     Design,Printing &  Publishing 
                      for small charities and other
                  non-profit making organizations


Message 38735

From :Patrice Champarou <>
Subject: [afb] Re: HDToolbox (OS3.5) & Squirrelscsi
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 22:19:44 +0200
Hello Maarten

On 01-Dec-99, you wrote:

> Why won't HDToolbox work with my SquirrelSCSI?
> I have to use the old hdtoolbox to get acces to it.

A simple answer I previously received about a similar
problem: do your HDToolbox tooltypes fit your Squirrel's


'Where is he?'
( William Shakespeare - Julius Ceasar, act 3, scene 3 )

Message 38736

From :Andy Kinsella <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Gameboys (long avanced warning!!!)
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 20:17:04 +0000
Greetings  M. 

On 01-Dec-99, you wrote:

>> On Wed, 1 Dec 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:

>>> It depends what you call the front what you call the back.
>>> Okay, try and snap a CD :)

>> quite hard to do....but this argument is pointless. go try break a
>> N64 cart ;-)

> Snap a CD, snap an N64 cart.

> Which is easier?

Who gives a f**k?


Imagine textures and a few pictures@<>
/PGP Key available on request/

Experience is directly proportional to the value of equipment destroyed.
-- Carolyn Scheppner

Message 38737

From :Andy Kinsella <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Zips
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 20:10:22 +0000
Greetings  Tim 

On 01-Dec-99, you wrote:

> Which is one thing I've thought of, though it still entails getting
> a large amount of data over from the Amiga, to the PC.

iirc, you can mount a pc hardrive with the commercial version of

> Bye,
> Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)


Imagine textures and a few pictures@<>
/PGP Key available on request/

You cannot kill time without injuring eternity.
-- Thoreau

Message 38738

From :"NL Crossfield" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: 1 Dec 99 21:47:09 -0500
Hi all,

On Wed, 1 Dec 1999  Alan L.M. Buxey said:
>when Chris Green wrote:
> > I don't know about you guys, but after shelling out for it, I expect a CD
> > WITHOUT any corrupted application files on it!
> So did wasnt their fault - it was a fault at the duplication
> plant. 
> alan

Mind you, if a whole sack load of CDs came through my letterbox, I
would have at least stuffed one in my CD just to see if it worked.

but saying that,

As there is no working CD and Chris complained enough to get his
money back, what has he got?. For the sake of downloading a couple
of files my Netconnect [with all its little faults] works fine.

With small  Businesses like Active trying to earn a few bob in the
limited Amiga market, if we can't show a little give and take when
things screw up then whose going to take the chance at producing
future software.

Well, that's my rant over with.


Norm, with one foot in a bucket

Message 38739

From :Darren Silcock <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Picasso 2s, ZII busboards and Apollos
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 21:48:15 +0100
> Hello,

> After spending all bloody weekend trying to get this damn machine to
> recognise my nice new(ish) Picasso 2 it turns out its my sodding
> accelerator card causing the problems. The card is an Apollo 1230 mkIII=

> with two simm slots from Eyetech. Any help would be gratefully recieved=

> Kind regards

I don't want to put a downer on things but...

I had this same problem but with a PicassoIV a ZII bus board and a Apollo=

1240/40. It seems that the starting addresses of all the Apollo
accelerators conflicts with the starting address of the (Micronik) ZII bu=
board or is it the Picasso. ( I assume it's a Micronik ZII bus board you
have- the Z4 boards should be fine). I can't remember which it was, but i=
was one of the two that was definitly the cause of the problems.

Try taking the Apollo out (if not done already) leaving in the Picasso an=
Bus board just booting up to the Startup menu. and go to the boards menu.=

That should work and you should see both boards listed (not by name thoug=

You have 3 choices:-

1. Check the A1200 mother board revision, should be 1.D.1 for good
compatability and corrected timing problems. But obviously this wasn't th=
cause in my case and wouldn't have thought in your case. See Eyetech for

2. Change the bus board to a Z4 type @ about =A3150.00 ukp with Video ada=
You have got the video adaptor for the current bus board havn't you ( I
forgot this)

3. Change the accelerator (which I did to a PPC) and has worked without
fault since. If your 1230 is new Eyetech should exchange it if you can
afford the upgrade, otherwise you'll have to see about a refund. ALL the
Blizzard range of boards should work fine.

Sorry one more

4. Sell the Apollo, I've just sold a Blizzard 1230/50 in lightning speed,=
either a lot of people are after a 1230 or the blizzard board.

Hope this helps



Message 38740

From :Darren Silcock <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 22:03:51 +0100
> Hi All.

> I think it's fairly safe to say that the future of Amiga is with the
> PowerPC processor in some form or another, whether via an accelerator
> (such as p5's G4 boards) or a stand-alone product such as a POP
> motherboard.

> The problem now is that we need an operating system.

> Here's a brief summary of the possibilities:

> 1) A port of AmigaOS

> H&P seem keen to port our OS to the PPC. Other projects could help here,
> including AROS, COSA, etc. 

Thumps up!!

> 2) PowerOS

> A PPC-native OS with an AmigaOS look and feel. See

> 3) Linux

> How can we forget the Linux juggernaut? Not quite at home on the PPC yet,
> but it's early days. Can provide Amiga emulation via UAE or AROS. Not in
> the least bit Amiga-like, though.

Not used yet, so can't comment, let you know soon (not unpacked the archive

> 4) QNX

> Once a partner of Amiga, Inc.; now a partner of p5. They produce a lean,
> mean and rock-solid OS with a POSIX front-end. 

I was quite impressed with the demo of this  but I can't see it pn the Amiga
scene, too plain and ordinary (aside from the fact that it can do some
impressive stuff!!)

> 5) BeOS

> Once mooted as a possible basis for a new AmigaOS. Modern, flexible
> desktop OS, let down by a lack of software. Be seem to be shying away from
> the PPC since they started the x86 branch.

> 6) MacOS

> No thanks at the moment. But MacOS X will be based on the Mach kernel and
> parts will be open-source. Could be a contender to run on a PPC Amiga?

No ta indeed !!!!

> So, dear readers, what are your opinions here? Which of these or possibly
> other solutions would you like to see running on your shiny new POP box or
> G4 card?

> What features do you think a PPC OS should have? How important is memory
> protection and virtual memory? How Amiga-like should it be? Is the ability
> to run current (m68k or WarpOS) binaries crucial?

> Comments please . . .

> Cheers,
> Rich

Message 38741

From :Ken Walsh <>
Subject: [afb] Re: IC24
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 22:07:35 +0100
Hello Phil

> I've just undated my modem to V90 and last weekend I got a reported
> connection of 49333 and it really "felt" that fast too.

about the same here, somtimes over 50000

                 Cheers all the best



Message 38742

From :"Paolo Rinaldi" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: 1 Dec 99 20:59:24 +0100
Once upon a time there was a sage, Richard Drummond, who enlightened the world about [afb] PPC operating systems

> Here's a brief summary of the possibilities:
> 1) A port of AmigaOS
> H&P seem keen to port our OS to the PPC. Other projects could help here,
> including AROS, COSA, etc. 

That's my favourite one ;-)

> 2) PowerOS
> A PPC-native OS with an AmigaOS look and feel. See

Unless it is out soon, I don't think it is going to be a contender...

> 3) Linux
> How can we forget the Linux juggernaut? Not quite at home on the PPC yet,
> but it's early days. Can provide Amiga emulation via UAE or AROS. Not in
> the least bit Amiga-like, though.

We know you are evil, you don't need to prove it again suggesting
things like Linux ;-)

> 4) QNX
> Once a partner of Amiga, Inc.; now a partner of p5. They produce a lean,
> mean and rock-solid OS with a POSIX front-end. 

A solution which could be more advanced than the other ones; provided
that it is as solid, fast and reliable as it is said (never had the
chance to try it ;-(), it could well be the best solution for the

> 5) BeOS
> 6) MacOS

Never tried any of them (lucky? ;-))

> What features do you think a PPC OS should have? How important is memory
> protection and virtual memory? How Amiga-like should it be? Is the ability
> to run current (m68k or WarpOS) binaries crucial?

Memory protection should be a good idea (again, I have no experience
of that), whilst virtual mem should not be a big issue (if Ram prices
go down again, obviously ;-))
As for current binaries, I'd say it should be a must, at least as
emulation: it's better to have already a good software base for a
start... Also the Amiganess is an important point: the OS should be
fast, reliable and efficient...

> Cheers,
> Rich


... Good day to let down old friends who need help.

Amiga 1200  040 + 603e 200 MHz, 24 Mb Fast, HD 1 GB, CD 24x
Paolo Rinaldi        

Message 38743

From :=?iso-8859-1?q?Ant's=20Spam?= <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Gameboys
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 13:29:16 -0800 (PST)
> > Sorry matey, I used to have an Intellivision, and
> it didn't have any form
> > of analogue input. The circular direction pad was
> similar to ordinary
> > joypads, except that it had 8 digital direction
> sensors instead of 4.

I had a Dragon 32 (circa 1982), and that had 2
analogue sticks with it.  I can prove it, as I still
have it.

Do You Yahoo!?
Thousands of Stores.  Millions of Products.  All in one place.
Yahoo! Shopping:

Message 38744

From :Peter Gordon <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Gameboys
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 23:05:52 +0000
> Fairy snuff. I didtoo, but it was years ago. I remembered the bit disc-=
> at the top of the pad and misremembered that it was analogue. Mea culpa=

Apparently my grandad or great grandad or something used to go to church =
up in scotland when they had to say the whole mea culpa thing, but he use=
d to say "Me a cowboy. Me a cowboy. Me a mexican cowboy" :)

-- =

so long and thanks for all the fish

Real meanings #17:
WWW: World Wide Waste

Message 38745

From :Peter Gordon <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 23:18:20 +0000
> 1) A port of AmigaOS

I love AmigaOS. My response to PPC-Native AmigaOS is "Yes Please"

> 2) PowerOS

HMmm.. too early to say. The screenshot in some other magazine doesn't re=
ally show much.
Liked the GUI appearance around the CLI window.

> 3) Linux

Blech. Not my cup of boiled leaves i'm afraid.

> 4) QNX

I *LOVE* the look of Neutrino. It just looks gorgeous. If it works as wel=
l as the screenshots look, me want :)

> 5) BeOS

Also, looks nice. No idea.

> 6) MacOS

Please nooooooo!!! It just babies the user too much.

> What features do you think a PPC OS should have? How important is memor=
> protection and virtual memory? How Amiga-like should it be? Is the abil=
> to run current (m68k or WarpOS) binaries crucial?

I think system wide virtual memory is pants if implemented as it is with =
Windoze. It needs a rethink.

> Comments please . . .

Coca Cola is the better than Pepsi

-- =

so long and thanks for all the fish

Real meanings #13:
JAVA: Just Another Valueless Attempt

Message 38746

From :Chris Faircloth <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 and WB backdrops
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 18:14:21 +1300
Hello Steven

On 02-Dec-99, you wrote:

>SH Anyone know how to stop the damned annoying scrolling of a
>SH backdrop/window picture in OS3.5?
>SH I bloody hate it and want it static as before.

So long as you have your screen mode correct for your display all you need to
do is turn  auto scroll off,  also to be found in the screen mode requester. 

This works for me, I hope it will help you.

Kind regards

Chris Faircloth.    Auckland ,   New Zealand
*Amiga Phoenix For The Future*   

ICQ # 38728970

For sale: antique desk suitable for lady with thick legs and large drawers.

Message 38747

From :chris <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Latest HDtoolbox
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 06:44:08 +0000
Hello Mad

On 01-Dec-99, you wrote:

> Does the latest HDtoolbox (As included with os3.5) work as it should?

I'm not convinced it does.  

It reports my 13Gb drive as 9.5Gb in size and although DH6 is empty, the
disk gauge and title bar readings report the partition as full and as for
DH7, it's not recognized at all and appears as "uninitalized". The files on
DH5 have disappeared completely, not even Dopus can see them, although the
disk gauge and title bar show the partition as having some content. :(  

I've filed a bug report with Amiga about three weeks ago and I'm still
waiting on a response.


-- Father Jack, Father Ted

Powered by PowerPC Amiga in Dumfries & Galloway

A1200 Power Tower, 200Mhz PPC/060 50Mhz, BVision, 74Mb Ram, OS3.5, CGX V4.1

Panasonic 36" Wiiiiddeessccrreeennn TV, Pioneer 717 MultiRegion DVD, Denon
AC3 Decoder, JBL Speakers, Kef SubWoofer..... 

Message 38748

From :"Andrew McCombe" <>
Subject: [afb] 3d Objects in c4d
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 08:49:22 -0000
Hi everyone

Can I use Imagine models in Cinema 4D? If so, how, and also does anyone know
of a cd that has C4d Models on?  The CU Coverdisk doesn't have much with it,
and without a manual I am learning the program through trial & error.

Message 38749

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Cyberstorm MK III 060 + PicassoIV + A3000 Desktop = problems?
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 09:55:51 +0000
Hi Kevin,

> Does anyone have a combination of these two cards in an A3000 desktop? 
> I can't get them to work together!  Anyone have these two cards in any
> Amiga together?  Any suggested jumper settings?  I have the rev 11
> Buster chip.

> What happens is that the computer starts, then the power light blinks
> and it reboots, then blinks, etc. etc.  Either cards works great
> without the other, but I don't want either a 16 color 68060 Amiga
> (already got an A2000 like that)or a 25mhz 16 million color Amiga (then
> Cinema4D stuff will take far longer than even my A1200!)  Help!

All I can offer up is that I was working with a CStorm II and PIV in my 3000
desktop for quite some time with no trouble, but that the CStorm and PIV
fight for autoconfig time at boot which can cause probs.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Try this:

Message 38750

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 3d Objects in c4d
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 10:14:26 +0000
Hi Andrew,

> Can I use Imagine models in Cinema 4D? If so, how, and also does anyone
> know of a cd that has C4d Models on? The CU Coverdisk doesn't have much
> with it, and without a manual I am learning the program through trial &
> error.

You can with the full version of C4D because it comes with MagicLink, which
will convert them to C4D. However, there are very few existing C4D models
around, mainly because its modeller is so hard to get a good result from...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 38751

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Got OS3.5
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 10:18:54 -0000
> > I looked at PSGlowIconsPre.lha and it doesn't have that many more
> > icons in. It has some nice filetypes for Windows icons, but
> >'s set practically replaces the entire deficons set.
> That's definately PSGlowIcons weakness, there just aren't enough icons
> in it. But there are quite a lot of drawer icons (that actually look
> good). Those icons from (I think the "author" is called
> Oliver Tacke) just don't look as good as M. Chaputs original ones...

No, the drawer icons suck. But have you seen the def_#? icons in the
ENV directory? They look as good as Matt Chaputs (and probably ARE :)
and they meld in with the system well.

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38752

From :"Michael Carrillo" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Fusion Help Please.
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 03:04:27 -0800
I too had the same getting Fusion to work.

Here is how I solved it. - Assumming you have An IDE CD-ROM drive &
MacOS8 on CD) 

Step 1.
In the Fusion setup Prefs set your IDE cd-rom drive device number 3.
(I use atapi.device it's set on device 0 for the Amiga but 3 for the

Step 2.
Insert MacOS 8 in cd drive and (depending on how you setup the CD-ROM)
it will boot up. Then install the System using the system installer.


If however, you cannot get hold of Mac OS8 on CD. There is an

There is a program on the Aminet (forget the name) that allows you to
access Mac Drives from your Amiga. (CrossMac-I think). The one on there
is a Demo so only the Floppy drive works. 

Download the program, run it. (If your Amiga doesn't see it Dopus will).
go to and download the files/disks for System 7.5.5
Then put them onto the Mac Floppy. (Although, to be fair they have to
be formatted to Mac first.)

However, by the time you have shelled out online for the downloads you
could possibly pickup a copy of Mac OS8 somewhere.

Hope this helps.


Mikey C

Message 38753

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Soundprobe (was Shorting the sig!)
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 10:14:42 -0000
> > (BTW Steve, count me in for a copy of Soundprobe 3!)
> Better Email Dave O'Reilly 
> ATM there isn't much interest -

I mailed him two days ago. I just wanted to make sure YOU
know that *I* want a copy!

Dammit, I need decent sampling software!

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38754

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 10:24:15 -0000
> > 4) QNX
> I *LOVE* the look of Neutrino. It just looks gorgeous. If it 
> works as well as the screenshots look, me want :)

*ahem* you didn't hear it from me, but it looks better than
the screenshots and works even better than that ;)

> I think system wide virtual memory is pants if implemented as 
> it is with Windoze. It needs a rethink.

Windows' virtual memory system is actually very good, in
principle. It's abused though.

Basically it preloads stuff and caches it in virtual memory.
That way, when you load stuff it takes less time because it's
in pre-loaded form.

People start using huge amounts of crazy icons and stuff and
it smashes the system up by caching rubbish, and then they
allocate 128Mb regardless and Windows has to expand and then
compact (compress) the pagefile to fit the limits you've set
on it, otherwise you start running out of diskspace REALLY

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38755

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Shorting the sig!
Date: 02 Dec 99 19:01:27 +0900
_Replying to a message_:

   By:  Stephen Marriott <>
   To:  afb <>
Dated:  01-Dec-99 23:38:12
About:  [afb] Re: Shorting the sig!

Hi Stephen,

> "If you include a signature keep it short. Rule of thumb is no longer than
> 4 lines. Remember that many people pay for connectivity by the minute, and
> the longer your message is, the more they pay."

Quoted Stephen, with a five line signature.  ;-)  Now which one of us
wants to install Amiga OS 1.1 on his computer for punishment.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38756

From :Armin <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 3d Objects in c4d
Date: 02 Dec 99 11:34:10 +0100
Hi Andrew, on 02-Dec-99, at 09:49:22, you wrote:

> Can I use Imagine models in Cinema 4D? If so, how,

In Cinema4D's tools directory you will find MagicLink,
a translation program. 

> and also does anyone know of a cd that has C4d Models on?

With MagicLink you can use object (models) from several CDs,
you do not need to look for one specifically aimed at C4D.

> The CU Coverdisk doesn't have much with it, and
> without a manual I am learning the program through
> trial & error.

There is a mailing list dedicated to the Amiga version:

Here you also can download digests of older ML postings.



Message 38757

From :Samuel Byford <>
Subject: [afb] Re: IC24
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 11:03:24 +0000
Hello Ken

On 30-Nov-99, you wrote:

>> I've just undated my modem to V90 and last weekend I got a reported
>> connection of 49333 and it really "felt" that fast too.
> =

> about the same here, somtimes over 50000

Probably a stupid question, but what is V90? My modem has the capabilitie=
s of it but Ive no idea how to access or if I need a special phone line o=
r initialisation string.

Help!  I want faster connection speeds!

-- =

Bifford the Youngest
(Sam Byford)
Visit my site:
 ICQ: 52983236
 IRC:  IRCNet #AmIRC or #Pub

Message 38758

From :Stephen Marriott <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Shorting the sig!
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 10:23:13 +0000 (GMT)
On 1 Dec 1999, Daniel Thornton wrote:

> On Wed, 1 Dec 1999 17:40:10 -0000, Sealey, M. wibbled...
> > Aww, come on Neil. At least it's generally all useful information.
> > Look how he's tried to SQUEEZE it all in.
> True, but he could fully comply with netiquette simply by removing his
> name and email address from the sig, as they are in the mail headers :)

Yep - true.  Removing the lst line would be best...  As you can get to
these sites from  But as my Boss asks me to
include these URLs I have to add these!

FWIW, I wish everybody who sent me Email would have their name and Email
address in their .sig  You would be surprised on how much Email I get w/
incorrect details in the header.

Stephen Marriott -
HiSOFT, The Old School, Greenfield, Bedford, MK45 5DE, UK
Tel: +44 1525 718181 Fax: +44 1525 713716 Freecall: 0500 223 660 PGP public key on request.ICQ#:29793027

Message 38759

From :"Michael Carrillo" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Latest HDtoolbox
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 03:32:22 -0800
Ho. Ho.
> > Does the latest HDtoolbox (As included with os3.5) work as it
> I'm not convinced it does.  

No, It has a bug in it apparently. It doesn't save the drive
information to the disk on my one. 

I have been advised to go back to using a previous version.

As to getting support from H&P forget it. I'm still waiting for a reply
to my 
buggered OS5.5/WW7 printing problems.

Makes you wonder though who actually beta tested OS3.5 and how much
their feedback was listened to and acted upon.

I have actually just posted a note of criticism on the OS3.5 support
mailing list on

I wonder if H&P will reply to it......


Mikey C

Message 38760

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga CD
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 11:19:30 +0000 (GMT)
On 1 Dec 1999, David Monk wrote:

> I've got a Mitsumi 4802TE CDR, I've had to stick it in the PC as it's
> given me nothing but bother in the Amiga

what software are you using? that make works fine here!


Message 38761

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 11:18:02 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 1 Dec 1999, Matthew J Fletcher wrote:

> LISTEN TO ME, the source tree of amigaos and aros should be merged RIGHT
> NOW !, its just H&P and Amiga, Inc being stuborn that has stoped this.

why? AROS is just trying to mimic AmigaOS functions....and it hasnt got
there yet - it also mimics inefficiently.

the source code for AROS is now, what? 35Mb??

> Aros is 60% complete, this means that given a few months work over half
> the OS could be running on PPC hardware NATIVE !!!!!!, given H&P's help and

but at what price? why use AROS if the real AmigaOS was ported?

> >> 3) Linux
> Yes, Yes, Yes,... its the best core to start from,.. and it would save
> YEARS of work,.. 

hang on, first you want AmigaOS/ you want Linux? make up your
> >> 4) QNX
> Nice, but it has 0.01% industry support, and linux will steam roller it in
> time.

QNX has LOTS of industry support....its where QNX is based
> - Ultrafast context switching, comparable to vxWorks/ QNX / AmigaOS.

comparable? the context switching in QNX and Linux is far higher than

> - Super low profile, core kernel is only less than 100k.

but you want to use Linux? You need a microkernel, not a monolithic

> - Dynamicly loadable/unloadable modules.

well, even Linux 2.0.x had that ;-)

> - Complete "Plug & play" (sorry) no need re-compile, bind or patch the kernel.

new hardware - new software for kernel need...i suppse they coudl ship
the .o objectcode module for it

> - Garenteed critical action responce times.

you already said real-time


Message 38762

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 11:04:47 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 1 Dec 1999, Matthew Garrett wrote:

> Well, Debian's available for MacPPC - there's no real reason why it
> couldn't be ported, if somebody wanted to put in the time and effort. It'd
> be pretty trivial if APUS can run Mac PPC binaries - does anyone know if
> it can?

under Linux, a PPC binary is a PPC binary...this is how I can instantly
run LinuxPPC - which is designed for PowerMacs. the only thing you have
to take care of is the libc/glibc part - and everyone should move to


Message 38763

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 boots
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 11:06:39 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 1 Dec 1999, Pekka Sippola wrote:

> 4 resets by cold start - hallelujah! Oxypatcher, Idefix and SetPatch. I
> wonder, what's the fourth?

the PPC setup flashROM software?  why does Oxypatcher need a reset? least you're not running prepareemul too! :-)


Message 38764

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 10:59:12 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 1 Dec 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:

> Only if we get a Debian port ;)

theres a PPC Debian...half the people I know using Linux on PPC are
using Debian rather than LinuxPPC (unofficial RedHat)
> copying features for the sake of the AmiWM-style feel,
> or the stupid shareware situation (i.e. ZX datatypes)

;-) yes, the best datatypes should already be in the OS!

Message 38765

From :Armin <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 3d Objects in c4d
Date: 02 Dec 99 12:44:08 +0100
Hi Ben,

I tried to post to your ML because you did not give
correct information when answering Andrew.

This is what I have received:


    **      THIS IS A WARNING MESSAGE ONLY      **

The original message was received at Thu, 2 Dec 1999 11:36:19 +0100 (MET)

   ----- The following addresses had transient non-fatal errors -----

   ----- Transcript of session follows -----
<>... Deferred: Connection timed out with
Warning: message still undelivered after 30 minutes
Will keep trying until message is 2 days old


Hi Andrew, on 02-Dec-99, at 09:49:22, you wrote:

> Can I use Imagine models in Cinema 4D? If so, how,

In Cinema4D's tools directory you will find MagicLink,
a translation program.

> and also does anyone know of a cd that has C4d Models on?

With MagicLink you can use object (models) from several CDs,
you do not need to look for one specifically aimed at C4D.

> The CU Coverdisk doesn't have much with it, and
> without a manual I am learning the program through
> trial & error.

There is a mailing list dedicated to the Amiga version:

Here you also can download digests of older ML postings.



Message 38766

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: IC24
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 11:56:46 -0000
> Hello Ken
> On 30-Nov-99, you wrote:
> >> I've just undated my modem to V90 and last weekend I got a reported
> >> connection of 49333 and it really "felt" that fast too.
> > 
> > about the same here, somtimes over 50000
> Probably a stupid question, but what is V90? My modem has the 
> capabilities of it but Ive no idea how to access or if I need 
> a special phone line or initialisation string.
> Help!  I want faster connection speeds!

It's the thing that makes your modem go faster than 33.6Kbps.

Basically it relies on your modem being the only analogue
part of the chain - the rest of the system needs to be in
digitial (for instance your ISP's equipment), and exploits
it to transfer more data.

You don't need a 'special' phone line, in fact I'd recommend
against it (I am, of course, referring to the godforsaken
DACS lines BT insist on installing) and if your modem is
capable, the init string you're using is good enough
(AT&F works for me ;)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38767

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Latest HDtoolbox
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 12:33:41 +0000
Hi Michael,

> Makes you wonder though who actually beta tested OS3.5 and how much
> their feedback was listened to and acted upon.

cough, well, there are at least two of 'em on here, and yes, our feedback
was listened to, but it just goes to show you that creating an OS is not a
trivial thing, especially after a seven year hiatus.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
          Any sufficiently advanced bug is 
          indistinguishable from a feature.

Message 38768

Subject: [afb] Modem Hangup!
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 04:53:03 -0800

just a quick question, I would appreciate it if you could help, and if
you would post answers to my email address (c below).

I have an A1200T with NetConnect 3, Pixel 64, MagicXPress 56K modem
running from the standard serial.device (ie: the amiga's built in
serial port).  When uploading large emails (w/attachments), or
downloading from FTP sites, my modem hangs up, therefore cutting me
off, and wasting my money!  I have *never* been able to send large
emails since I got NC3 and my modem last week from Eyetech. 
Downloading stuff from Voyager 3Pre5 is fine, just email and FTP.

My ISP is Free4All, who suggested trying there other number (I was
using MCI Nap, they suggested using C&W Nap, since some modems like one
more than the other).  Can anybody help, do I need a faster serial port
(I'm low on cash at the mo, so that's why I haven't got one...)

Please help!  I would like the replies to my email address instead of
this list because it's difficult to wade through all the messages on
the AFB webpage, and V3 screws up the display anyway! :(

Thanks for your time and all the best,

Nick. (formerly

Message 38769

From :"Chris Green" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 12:56:49 -0000
Hi Norm

> As there is no working CD and Chris complained enough to get his
> money back, what has he got?. For the sake of downloading a couple
> of files my Netconnect [with all its little faults] works fine.

I haven't got my money back and I don't want it back (and my attempts to
complain have fallen on deaf ears as Active is not responding to phone
calls, faxes or email) - I just want what I paid for - a fully operational
CD of software. I shouldn't have to mess about downloading the same software
off the net just to get a working copy.

> With small  Businesses like Active trying to earn a few bob in the
> limited Amiga market, if we can't show a little give and take when
> things screw up then whose going to take the chance at producing
> future software.

Cobblers to that! Business is business, not charity! Companies can still
make money in the Amiga market without users having to 'make-do' with faulty
merchandise. The important thing now is for Active to finish squabbling with
the CD duplication company, get a fresh batch of working disks, and to
answer their phones, email, faxes occasionally!

Chris Green
Irate customer

Chris Green
Technical Editor - Computing
VNU Business Publications, 32-34 Broadwick Street, London, W1A 2HG
Fax: +44 (0)207 316 9160      Email:
ICQ: 10921400                 URL:

Message 38770

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 12:58:45 -0000
> On Wed, 1 Dec 1999, Matthew J Fletcher wrote:
> > LISTEN TO ME, the source tree of amigaos and aros should be 
> > merged RIGHT NOW !, its just H&P and Amiga, Inc being
> > stuborn that has stoped this.

He said, spelling every other word wrong ;)

Amiga Inc. is not being stubborn. Have you used AROS lately?
Have you programmed on or for it?

> why? AROS is just trying to mimic AmigaOS functions....and it 
> hasnt got there yet - it also mimics inefficiently.
> the source code for AROS is now, what? 35Mb??

And you think the AmigaOS source code is any less? :)

> > Nice, but it has 0.01% industry support, and linux will 
> > steam roller it in time.

LOL! You a fool :) QNX *IS* the industry :)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38771

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 13:00:43 -0000
> On Wed, 1 Dec 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:
> > Only if we get a Debian port ;)
> theres a PPC Debian...half the people I know using Linux on PPC are
> using Debian rather than LinuxPPC (unofficial RedHat)

You try running the MacPPC port of Debian on your Amiga, POP
board, whatever. Tell me if it works.
Like hell it does. I KNOW THERE IS A PPC DEBIAN. But there isn't
one that *I* can use.

> > copying features for the sake of the AmiWM-style feel,
> > or the stupid shareware situation (i.e. ZX datatypes)
> ;-) yes, the best datatypes should already be in the OS!

I meant the fact that there must be about 100 of them around,
and they all do the same things, all are crap, and all get
updated 10 times a week. Why? Why why whyyyy?

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38772

From :Armin <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 3d Objects in c4d
Date: 02 Dec 99 14:59:25 +0100
On 02-Dec-99, at 11:14:26, I wrote:

> Hi Ben,

<snipped message>

Please disregard that message.

Must have done something wrong while attempting
to mail Ben at
in order to tell him that egroups did not work
properly.  Sorry about that.


Message 38773

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 3d Objects in c4d
Date: 2 Dec 1999 14:33:16 +0000
Ben Vost said, 

>> Can I use Imagine models in Cinema 4D? If so, how, and also does anyone
>> know of a cd that has C4d Models on? The CU Coverdisk doesn't have much
>> with it, and without a manual I am learning the program through trial &
>> error.

> You can with the full version of C4D because it comes with MagicLink, which
> will convert them to C4D. However, there are very few existing C4D models
> around, mainly because its modeller is so hard to get a good result from...

The CU Amiga version also came with MagicLink. You'll need a serial
number to get it working, it's a different number from the C4D one.

The serial number for the CU version of MagicLink is 043@$$% NO CARRIER

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
The Borg assimilated my race & all I got was this T shirt.

Message 38774

From :Matthew Garrett <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 15:03:49 +0000
On Thu, Dec 02, 1999 at 11:04:47AM +0000, Alan L.M. Buxey wrote:

> under Linux, a PPC binary is a PPC binary...this is how I can instantly
> run LinuxPPC - which is designed for PowerMacs. the only thing you have
> to take care of is the libc/glibc part - and everyone should move to
> glibc2.x

Oh, fine - in that case, all that's required is an APUS kernel and a PPC
package of the Amiga bootloader. And some boot floppies. So why hasn't
anyone ported Debian to Amiga PPC, then?

Matthew Garrett |
(Sitting here with several Macs running Debian PPC...)

Message 38775

From :Tudor Davies <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 16:14:05 +0100
On Thu, Dec 02, 1999 at 12:56:49PM -0000, Chris Green wrote:

> > With small  Businesses like Active trying to earn a few bob in the
> > limited Amiga market, if we can't show a little give and take when
> > things screw up then whose going to take the chance at producing
> > future software.
> Cobblers to that! Business is business, not charity! 

A voice of sanity in a field of Amiga users :)

> Companies can still
> make money in the Amiga market without users having to 'make-do' with faulty
> merchandise. 

And they do - people like Power/Eyetech wouldn't be investing in new
products and the like if they didn't make money - they have to have a good
reputation by fixing problems like Chris' to attract repeat custom. Chris'
complaint that he doesn't have a working copy of the software is totally
valid and whether Active are selling now or not (provided that they haven't
folded) they have a *legal* obligation to sort our the problem. It's the
same whether you buy from the big boys or the little boys - they have
certain laws to follow...

> The important thing now is for Active to finish squabbling with
> the CD duplication company, get a fresh batch of working disks, and to
> answer their phones, email, faxes occasionally!

Quite correct - the squabble between Active & the duplicators is irrelevant
to Chris' not having his software - Active need to sort that out in the
background, all the while keeping their legal obligation to their customers
- IANAL btw :)

> Chris Green
> Irate customer

Tudor Davies
Backing up irate customers :)


Tudor Davies                         Running Amiga, Mac, PC & Unices
                                     Technology in Perfect Harmony                     
Visit         Specialist in Internet Security & ISP      Support (RADIUS, Firewalls & Routing)

Message 38776

From :"Richard Drummond" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 15:31:03 +0000 (GMT)
Hello Matthew

On 01-Dec-99, you wrote:

>>> 3) Linux
>> Only if we get a Debian port ;)
> Well, Debian's available for MacPPC - there's no real reason why it
> couldn't be ported, if somebody wanted to put in the time and effort. It'd
> be pretty trivial if APUS can run Mac PPC binaries - does anyone know if
> it can?

Debian is already available for PPC. It's hansn't been designated 'stable'
yet and there's no boot disks for APUS, so it's a bit of a pain to set up
on the Amiga.


Richard Drummond
Staff Writer, Amiga Format

pgp   :
phone : +44 (0)1225 442244 ext 2417

Message 38777

From :"David McMinn" <>
Subject: [afb] Datatypes (was PPC operating systems)
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 07:46:49 -0800
> I meant the fact that there must be about 100 of them around,
> and they all do the same things, all are crap, and all get
> updated 10 times a week. Why? Why why whyyyy?

Answered your own question there. If they're crap, other people will
write ones that are supposedly better. Also, because they're crap,
they're likely to need updating more so they're not so crap.

Simple, standard circle o' viciousness ;)

Message 38778

From :Samuel Byford <>
Subject: [afb] Money, Money, Money (Kinda OT)
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 16:11:05 +0000
        Ive had a hell of day.  Having gotten hold of a Ticket for the ha=
lf price version of Golded Studio 6 I then had to try to get a EuroCheque=
 or Uropean Postal Order for 45.95 DM.  Do you think I could get hold of =
one?  Damn right I couldnt.  "Sorry, we dont do EuroChecques yet. We can =
do you a Banker's Draft, but theres a charge or 7/8/10 pounds."  No chanc=

I tried 4 banks, the Post Office and  ended up going to the Travel Agents=
=2E  Same answer from Thomas Cook - I waited 15 minutes to be served whil=
e one lady sat behind the counter tapping away at her keyboard - leaving =
just one woman serving (dealing with a =A3350 conversion to US$! which wa=
s time consuming). Only to be told they couldnt help.

Luckely we have a new Travel Agents opened up in Aldershot called Travel =
Choice (garish blue/mauve/pink colour scheme for the furniture but nice t=
urquoise uniform) who were very helpfull. Lovely gal called Allana sugges=
ted DM travelors cheque (only comes in 50 and 100) so 50DM cheque + 10DM =
in notes.

I go away happy.  Get home and realise that I would have to counter sign =
the cheque in order to cash it. Well - in that case i might just as well =
go over to Germany and hand him the money in person! Not!

Back I go.  Allana rings her off-duty manager who suggests phoning the he=
lp line as to give me my money back I would loose out due to the exchange=
 rate being different.  The help line (bless them) say I can put Deitmar =
Eilert's name on the cheque so only he can cash it.  What a bloody palave=
Of course, I then opted to pay recorded delivery so the thing doesnt go w=
alkabouts in the post.  Sigh, another =A34 ontop of the =A324 for the pro=

Well, all sent off now, so hopefully I should have GoldEd before too long=
, but you would think that we the EU having their foot in our proverbial =
door we would have such things as EuroCheques by now.  Ben, you travel a =
lot. Do you have these problems?

Saying that, if Eilert was to accept credit cards this would all have bee=
n *sooo* much easier!


(a frustrated, but eventually happy) Bifford the Youngest.

P.S. The Manager at Travel Choice will be getting a thankyou letter on he=
r door mat A.S.A.P. :)

Ok - =

-- =

Bifford the Youngest
(Sam Byford)
Visit my site:
 ICQ: 52983236
 IRC:  IRCNet #AmIRC or #Pub

Message 38779

Subject: [afb] PowerFlyer GOLD edition
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 08:14:15 -0800
On Monday I finally got this cool bit of kit through the post. It's
great! No more buffer overflows from MakedCD when reading CDDA data;
faster devices all round (at the expense of CPU of course). However,
one problem. A small question for anyone in the know:
The ATA3Prefs program show the make of accelerator board at the bottom
of the window, and wether it is working properly or not. Contrary to
other programs, it states that my BlizzardPPC isn't, and that the
PowerFlyer is working in 'Safe mode'. Erm? (And no RTFM please, as I


Message 38780

From :"Morgan Larsson" <>
Subject: [afb] Kind of a prob...
Date: 2 Dec 99 17:14:22 -0100
Hi, all!

After getting OS3.5 a week ago, I decided getting a nice new HDD,
replacing my old, slightly knackered (sp?) 1GB thing. It arrived
yesterday, mmm - nice,  I thought. Well, I'm starting to feel slightly
annoyed 'cause I don't seem to get the thing to work properly.
I'm hoping someone here can/will at least try to help me out with
I have one A4k with CS060MkII with the SCSI-module, one 1GB HD
and one SCSI CDROM connected to it, all with different SCSI-ids.

Starting HDToolbox it shows all drives, select the new one and
partition away, making 6 partitions ranging from 250 MB to around 2GIG
(9GB total) . Everything seems fine, but after this session and a
reboot, it just shows the first three partitions. The second one is
~2GB, but after formatting it shows up to be "only" 1GB???

The ROM-update is in devs, and I have the '040 &'060.libraries
installed. I hope it's not the CS-SCSI's fault. 

Please help!!

   Sorry for the rather long (and vague) letter, please tell what
other info s missing.


Message 38781

From :Samuel Byford <>
Subject: [afb] WipeOut 64
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 16:21:32 +0000
I just got hold of WipeOut 64 for my N64 and it is hot!
Im just wondering if anyone has compared this version to our own?

Oh, and for those of you who attend KickStart, I thought of bring it alon=
g to the next meet to do a comparison or OT games night thing, if your in=

-- =

Bifford the Youngest
(Sam Byford)
Visit my site:
 ICQ: 52983236
 IRC:  IRCNet #AmIRC or #Pub

Message 38782

From :"Daniel Thornton" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: 2 Dec 99 16:21:42 +0000
On Thu, 2 Dec 1999 16:14:05 +0100, Tudor Davies wibbled...

> - IANAL btw :)

Do you? Keep your private life off the list.


The Wibble - Like The Blair Witch Project, but completely different to it
-- ICQ 28589940 --
- "I read The Wibble, and my boils immediately cleared up" - WJ, Cromer -
-------------------- Last Updated: 1st December 1999 --------------------

Message 38783

From :Oliver Esberger <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Got OS3.5
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 17:22:50 +0100
Hello Matt,

On 02-Dez-99, you wrote:

>> That's definately PSGlowIcons weakness, there just aren't enough
>> icons in it. But there are quite a lot of drawer icons (that actually
>> look good). Those icons from (I think the "author" is
>> called Oliver Tacke) just don't look as good as M. Chaputs original
>> ones...
> No, the drawer icons suck. 

What? Are you sure you looked at PSGlowIcons? They are very smooth, look
like Glowicons (not cut&pasted newicons), make right usage of colour
(look at the icons' drawers, they use way too bright colours for
the small pictures on the drawers) and the authors apparently know how
to spell "design".

> But have you seen the def_#? icons in the
> ENV directory? They look as good as Matt Chaputs (and probably ARE :)
> and they meld in with the system well.
That is of course right. They look quite good and have the same style as
the original icons. Strangely enough they look so much better than the
rest of the icons (that's why I'm using them as well ;). So, take a look
at Matt Chaput's original archives, and, ooh! they are HIS icons (as you
said) with new text for different filetypes...

The drawers use imagery from New- and Magicicons, sometimes even badly
scaled (very unprofessional). I think the "author" should, at the very
least, give credit to the original authors as well. Instead he writes on "Because Matt Chaput quit working on GlowIcons long ago,
we decided to carry on his work." That is obviously quite a statement,
if only he had the same skills!

Oliver Esberger -

Message 38784

Subject: [afb] POLL: 02/12/99 - Who's Optimistic?
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 08:36:59 -0800
At the rate things are going at Amiga, what are your feelings about the Amiga?


Please select one of the following:

   o Very Happy and Looking Forward
   o Quite Excited
   o A Bit Wary
   o It's All Over
   o I'm Not Sure

by going to the following Web form:

Thank you!

Message 38785

From :"Anthony Prime" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: BT to offer unmetered net access!
Date: 1 Dec 99 21:27:46 +0000
Ian Urie said something about [afb] Re: BT to offer unmetered net access!

> > It also doesn't compare with ClaraNet's free weekend, which, for the price
> > of a standard dialup, gives you the entire weekend free.
> Or with Screaming Net which gives free calls all the time on offpeak...

No, but say what you like about BT, you know where youb stand with
them. Now other telcos...

> >> I'm sure everyone will have their own versions of saving on call
> >> costs... I have a mate on Claranet and he has sod all but bother.
> > Such as?
> Engaged tones ...line drops....slow downloads...that enough?

Can't say I have any problems :/
Anthony Prime
>>Milennium Bug? No Problem - Powered by Amiga in Crewe

Message 38786

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Datatypes (was PPC operating systems)
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 16:47:11 -0000
> > I meant the fact that there must be about 100 of them around,
> > and they all do the same things, all are crap, and all get
> > updated 10 times a week. Why? Why why whyyyy?
> Answered your own question there. If they're crap, other people will
> write ones that are supposedly better. Also, because they're crap,
> they're likely to need updating more so they're not so crap.
> Simple, standard circle o' viciousness ;)


Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38787

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 17:01:04 +0000
Hi Tudor,

>>> With small  Businesses like Active trying to earn a few bob in the
>>> limited Amiga market, if we can't show a little give and take when
>>> things screw up then whose going to take the chance at producing
>>> future software.
>> Cobblers to that! Business is business, not charity! 

> A voice of sanity in a field of Amiga users :)

It would be if only a software company could rely on the products they've
spent months on actually bringing in some cash. Three people have bought
NetConnect 3 - the rest were upgrades. All the other sales have been lost
to piracy.

>> Companies can still
>> make money in the Amiga market without users having to 'make-do' with
>> faulty merchandise.

> And they do - people like Power/Eyetech wouldn't be investing in new
> products and the like if they didn't make money - they have to have a good

They do, but it's actually a much safer bet investing in hardware because
it's not so easy to pirate.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Why is the word abbreviation so long?

Message 38788

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Money, Money, Money (Kinda OT)
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 17:14:35 +0000
Hi Samuel,

(Stuff about buying in Europe snipped)

> I go away happy. Get home and realise that I would have to counter sign
> the cheque in order to cash it. Well - in that case i might just as well
> go over to Germany and hand him the money in person! Not!

Why not just send the cash in an envelope between two bits of card. Make
sure the envelope goes registered post, so that you can be sure it's been
signed for and away you go.

> Well, all sent off now, so hopefully I should have GoldEd before too long,
> but you would think that we the EU having their foot in our proverbial
> door we would have such things as EuroCheques by now. Ben, you travel a
> lot. Do you have these problems?

Not really, but that's either because I buy in the country, or use a credit
card. Oh for the Euro to become a real and not virtual currency... 

> Saying that, if Eilert was to accept credit cards this would all have been
> *sooo* much easier!

Absolutely. You could also have bought it from Alive MediaSoft over here,
but I'm not sure if they'd honour the half-price offer...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 38789

From :Matthew Garrett <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 17:19:43 +0000
On Thu, Dec 02, 1999 at 03:31:03PM +0000, Richard Drummond wrote:

> Debian is already available for PPC. It's hansn't been designated 'stable'
> yet and there's no boot disks for APUS, so it's a bit of a pain to set up
> on the Amiga.

Having installed it on Mac PPCs, I know this only too well :) In any case,
creating a kernel package should be pretty trivial and I wouldn't expect
too much trouble with a bootloader. Bootfloppies would be the sticking
point - I could probably vaguely look into it, if anyone's interested...

Matthew Garrett |

Message 38790

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Kind of a prob...
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 17:20:21 +0000
Hi Morgan,

> After getting OS3.5 a week ago, I decided getting a nice new HDD,
> replacing my old, slightly knackered (sp?) 1GB thing. It arrived
> yesterday, mmm - nice,  I thought. Well, I'm starting to feel slightly
> annoyed 'cause I don't seem to get the thing to work properly.
> I'm hoping someone here can/will at least try to help me out with
> this.
> I have one A4k with CS060MkII with the SCSI-module, one 1GB HD
> and one SCSI CDROM connected to it, all with different SCSI-ids.

> Starting HDToolbox it shows all drives, select the new one and
> partition away, making 6 partitions ranging from 250 MB to around 2GIG
> (9GB total) . Everything seems fine, but after this session and a
> reboot, it just shows the first three partitions. The second one is
> ~2GB, but after formatting it shows up to be "only" 1GB???

> The ROM-update is in devs, and I have the '040 &'060.libraries
> installed. I hope it's not the CS-SCSI's fault. 

> Please help!!

>   Sorry for the rather long (and vague) letter, please tell what
> other info s missing.

You don't say whether the drive is hooked up to your CyberSCSI or not, or
whether you've adjusted the NSDPatch.cfg in devs: to take your SCSI into
account (you need to uncomment the line at 439).

I don't have the SCSI module on my CStorm, so I can't verify this.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Got a request to make for our CD? Send email to, subject: "Reader Requests"

Message 38791

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: WipeOut 64
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 17:29:14 -0000
> Hello,
> I just got hold of WipeOut 64 for my N64 and it is hot!

No it isn't, it sucks like nothing has ever sucked before.
It's a neat conversion, but the music sucks (too nasty) and
the graphics are blurry. The analogue pad makes it easier
than the PSX version, but I think there are a lot of things
missing (I liked some of the weapons) and the popup is

Go and get Star Wars: Racer and see *REAL* Antigrav racing ;)

> I'm just wondering if anyone has compared this version to
> our own?

The Amiga version is better than the PSX version is better
than the N64 version.

> Oh, and for those of you who attend KickStart, I thought of 
> bring it along to the next meet to do a comparison or OT 
> games night thing, if your interested.

And embarrass yourself? :)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38792

From :"David McMinn" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Money, Money, Money (Kinda OT)
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 09:31:59 -0800
samuel byford <> wrote: 

> would have such things as EuroCheques by now.  Ben, you travel a lot.
Do you > have these problems?

You have to order them from your bank. I went in the other day for
some. 2 weeks they said. And they're trying to sell me a eurocheque
card (so I can get money from cash machines in europe - i'm not even
going there) which they're gonna charge me =A36 per year for.

I would think that European postal orders are less hassle.

Message 38793

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Kind of a prob...
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 17:33:23 -0000
> Starting HDToolbox it shows all drives, select the new one and
> partition away, making 6 partitions ranging from 250 MB to around 2GIG
> (9GB total) . Everything seems fine, but after this session and a
> reboot, it just shows the first three partitions. The second one is
> ~2GB, but after formatting it shows up to be "only" 1GB???

Where? In HDToolbox?

Try using the 'info' command in the shell to see how much space
the drive is taking up. You might want to use the updated info
command from Aminet (Stephan Rupprecht's version IIRC) which is
much better IMO.

I think they introduced some weird bugs into Workbench regarding
the rounding off of Gb and Mb, and HDToolbox seems to have picked
up a few more...
Have you tried the laborious chore of setting up a partition,
rebooting, formatting it, rebooting, setting up another partition,
etc? You'd certainly find out WHERE it was going wrong..

Oh, are you running any disk-based patches at all?

> The ROM-update is in devs, and I have the '040 &'060.libraries
> installed. I hope it's not the CS-SCSI's fault. 

Does the CS-SCSI device get patched by SetPatch at startup? IIRC
it doesn't support NSD by default, but it should be patched..

> Please help!!
>    Sorry for the rather long (and vague) letter, please tell what
> other info s missing.
> Regards.............Morgan
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------
> AFB: All polls MUST have dates!
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------
> home:
> - Simplifying group communications

Message 38794

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Money, Money, Money (Kinda OT)
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 17:35:22 -0000
> Hello,
>         Ive had a hell of day.  Having gotten hold of a 
> Ticket for the half price version of Golded Studio 6 I then 
> had to try to get a EuroCheque or Uropean Postal Order for 
> 45.95 DM.  Do you think I could get hold of one?  Damn right 
> I couldnt.  "Sorry, we dont do EuroChecques yet. We can do 
> you a Banker's Draft, but theres a charge or 7/8/10 pounds."  
> No chance.
> Saying that, if Eilert was to accept credit cards this would 
> all have been *sooo* much easier!

What's wrong with just getting the currency in DM (or Euro),
and sending it to him in a thick, cardboard-enhanced brown
envelope encrusted with selotape?

That's what I do. No silly conversion rates or penalties for
cheques and banker's drafts. Just cold hard cash.

Don't Epic sell GoldED anyway?

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38795

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Got OS3.5
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 17:37:00 -0000
> Hello Matt,
> On 02-Dez-99, you wrote:
> > > look good). Those icons from (I think
> > > the "author" is called Oliver Tacke) just don't
> > > look as good as M. Chaputs original ones...
> > 
> > No, the drawer icons suck. 
> What? Are you sure you looked at PSGlowIcons?

I as talking about the ones..

> at Matt Chaput's original archives, and, ooh! they are HIS 
> icons (as you said) with new text for different filetypes...

Heh :)

> "Because Matt Chaput quit working on GlowIcons 
> long ago, we decided to carry on his work." That is obviously
> quite a statement, if only he had the same skills!

LOL :)

Well look out for my decent Glowicons soon ;)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38796

From :Oliver Esberger <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 boots
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 18:38:24 +0100
>> 4 resets by cold start - hallelujah! Oxypatcher, Idefix and SetPatch.
>> I wonder, what's the fourth?
> the PPC setup flashROM software?  why does Oxypatcher need a reset?

I wonder why Setpatch needs a reset? I am running OS3.5, and the only
reset I have is for Fusion.

Oliver Esberger -

Message 38797

From :"Michael" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Gameboys (long avanced warning!!!)
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 18:40:12 -0000
> shock support became 'the rage'. A feature which Nintendo managed to
> do first.

nintendos dual-shock was a shoddy addon.

It was a option...they weren't sure if it would take off....Sony added
after Nintendo and theirs wasn't as supported until Sony put their weight
it!!...just another Nintendo design and everyone rips it off!!!

> If you do your research, the reason the N64 is unpopular with developers
> is NOT the lack of an easy programming environment, but the COST of any
> environment they may get, and the fact that Nintendo have an unerring
> habit of charging people out of business (and/or into the Playstation)
> for the manufacture of cartridges.
> The N64 is in fact easier to program for. It's display-list oriented

done my research...and the answer is that it is difficult to program for

The Playstation is easy to program....remember thoose blue
programmable know the ones where anything
you make on them offical balongs to Sony (if you try and publish it!)

> The PSX wasn't bundled with a dual shock analogue controller to start
> with. Why should I have to buy a 20 controller (or 80 worth if I'm
> to play multiplayer) just to get a decent game out of it?

you point out my favourite N64 feature. 4 player control ports as
standard. I liek that. I see PSX-2...i see just 2 control ports still
:-| (note previous mail...i have multitap + 6 pads)

Sony had no idea...kind of like the PC...why would anyone want to
play a multiplayer game on one computer (it will never take off...silly


Message 38798

From :"Michael" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 100MHz 68040!
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 19:18:12 -0000
> >> of things.  You're really taking pot luck with these adventures.  And
> >> don't think manufacturers build in lee-way to accomodate you, they
> >> don't, they build things to minimum specifications.
> >>
> >> Sometimes you can be lucky, sometimes you can be very unlucky (some
> >> won't even go a few percent faster than designed for).
> > if it works on more than three A3640's..why wouldnt it work on someone
> > elses A3640 ?
> I'm not saying it can't.  But, putting a faster chip in a device that
> was never designed with that speed in mind, is pure luck whether it will
> work for you or not.
Why not?....processors don't normally have alot of current going down the
tracks....I cannot see any problems with these upgrades....the only
problem I have heard of was a overdrive 486 upgrade and thoose
don't work always (a 3.3volt chip on a 5v motherboard)...I cannot
see any reason for a '040 100Mhz not working on a '040 25MHz
motherboard/accerator...I am rather sure that the voltages the chips run
on will be the same


Message 38799

From :"Michael" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Gameboys (long avanced warning!!!)
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 19:41:09 -0000
> What for? There is enough power to keep the controller going,
> and the memory pack working until you take it out. Why would
> you need to throw a 6v line down a frigging joypad for an

>>...erm, because you said that the rumble-option was part of the original
>> why need battries? because it was more like an afterthought!

I accurally like the idea of batterys....they give the N64 controller some
and tilt it down at the front (something which is quite nice!), and they
also give
the N64 a powerful punch when the pad rumbles (you can feel you joints
when you have just had around a million explosions in Goldeneye!!)....also
can just use rechchargeable batterys too!!

> The Dolphin will have the advantage of REQUIRING it's purchase to
> play those games. Funnily enough, Nintendo actually produce games
> worth buying - Mario64 is STILL touted as one of the best games
> ever, and it was the first of it's genre.

I did'nt like mario 64 it bored me...until the really late levels!!

>>you purchase only get the handful of Dolphin games...and a
>>slower console if things arent changed. You get a PSX2 and you'll not
>>only have the PSX2 games , but also all the back catalogue

Only if Sony can make good emulation...Nintendo have tons of hardware
behind them and they will change the specs after the PSX2 is
Nintendo will!!

>>I know you're a Nintendo advocate and yes, i agree that they create some
>>good in-house games....but thats 3 titles. just 3 titles from 2 years.
>>And one decent 3rd party game (GoldenEye). 4 games do not make a decent
>>market for a console. The PlayStation does have lots of crap..but it
>>also has lots of good games that win awards just so happens
>>that you dont like those games. I see the N64 mags are squealing with
>>delight that some of the PSX games are finally making it to the N64

No N64 games aren't big in quantity!!....Sony and friends
release tons of games which are shit (Tomb Raider for example!!).
Most N64 games are designed years in advance (Zelda, Mario 64 for

Though I did find Zelda annoying....I cannot find on of the keys for the
place...its so boring looking for it!!!


Message 38800

From :"Michael" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Gameboys (console wars more like :)
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 20:01:25 -0000
>>   The rumble packs in DS pads are NOT OPTIONAL. They are integrated into
the pads.

Thats if you have a pad with one...

>>   Also, if nintendo had planned rumble packs for /soooo long,/ then tell
me, WHY are some games INCOMPATIBLE >>with them??  I know some games that
will not start if you have a rumble pack installed! Why would Nintendo
actually >>make games that they knew were incompatible to one of their main
design features?

What games?...I haven't had a problems...I have played around 10 games on my
N64 with the rumble pack....I
have only ever had to take it out to swap batterys!

>>   Why do you have to go out and buy a rumble pack for your N64? And why
do you have to constantly feed it betteries, >>or wait to recharge'em?

Nintendo do deals with could get Lylat wars with a rumble pack
or you can know get
Donkey Kong 64 with a 4MB memory pack!!...most people charge the batterys
over night (that
way you don't have to wait!!!).

> Zelda64

>>   FF7/8 kicks its ass!

Zelda had annoying keys to open doors....if you did'nt pick up a key you
would have to
search where you last were?...its annoying as fuck!!!!

>>   True, most sony ads are crap, but so are most nintendo ads. Actually,
I've hardly seen any N64 adds, I wonder why...?

Nintendo advertise alot during the day and after Channel 4's Bits and ITV's
Cybernet thing


Message 38801

From :"Michael" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC stuff from phase 5 to be made by Power
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 20:24:09 -0000
> > Anyhow as long as they are better built than the Phase 5 PPC I already
> > have, should be OK. Overheats? Overheats? You can fry bacon on my one.
> I shouldn't think they'll be built any differently to what you already
> have...
Good I will put that on my list of things to buy....along with Wipout and
AmigaOS 3.5....I will have a happy chrissy!!
